Excalibur Pt 4

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Why does Arthur always have to get himself into danger? He's just can't seem to get away from it. I knew what was instored when I came here, but if I knew it was this exhausting maybe I would've gave this a second thought. It wouldn't matter anyways, I can't leave till my destiny is fulfilled and Arthur's making it harder for me to complete it.

Gauis, Merlin and I were eating dinner in our chambers. Merlin kept a hold of my hand, I could tell he was nervous. I caressed the top of his hand, helping him to calm down, he flashed me a small smile before looking up at Gauis and sighing.

" You were right." Merlin dropped his shoulders. As much as he denies it, he really does care for Arthur and considers him as a friend.

Gauis shook his head sadly, " I wish I wasn't."

" If Arthur fights that thing, he'll die." Merlin stated the obvious.

"He is Camelot's strongest warrior. If anyone can defeat it, he can," Gauis said but I could hear the slight hesitation in his voice.

As much as I hate to admit it, Arthur is the most skillful and strongest warrior in Camelot but not even he can defeat a dead guy.

I scoffed, Gauis knew we couldn't defeat it without magic, " You said yourself Gauis, no mortal weapon can kill it. Which means we have to find a way to defeat the wraith ourselves."

" How do you propose to do that?" Gauis asked me.

I looked over at Merlin, " If no mortal sword will kill it... then we will." I ran up to my room and grabbed the magic book from under Merlin's bed. He usually stayed up at night reading it, sometimes I would join his reading sessions. I was good at remembering the spells, so I didnt often study the book. I didn't really need to since Merlin probably knows the book word for word.

I showed Gauis the book and answered, " With mortal magic."

" Abby, it's to dangerous." Gauis put a hand on my shoulder like a father would do to a daughter. I'm glad Gauis cares for me but I can make my own decisions, I have to do this for Arthur.

Merlin came up from behind me and snaked his arm around my waist. My breath hitched and my heartbeat slowly started to rise. Why did his touch always make me feel this way? t was like he set off a million fireworks in my stomach.

Merlin gave me a supporting grin before telling Gaius, "We don't have a choice."


" Merlin this is not going to work!" I shouted as Merlin dragged me to the training grounds. He was attempting to use magic on Tristan but I knew this wasn't going to work, you can't kill a guy who's already dead. When I said we should use magic I didn't mean this.

" We have to try, you never know it might work," Merlin eagered on. We stood behind the gate as Tristain just stood there, motionless.

Merlin moved up a little more and said the spell, " Cume her fyrbryne." Merlin's eyes flashed gold for a quick second causing Tristian to be set on fire. Like I expected, Tristan didn't even flinch, he hasn't moved an inch.

" What did I tell you!" I scolded Merlin. Merlin's eyes widened , he looked completely shocked. Eventually the spell wore off and the fire settled down into nothing. There weren't even any burn marks on him, he remained unscathed.

Tristan turned his head around and stared right at us and growled. Merlin and I ran off, I did not want to stay any longer to test Tristan patience.

Merlin and I went to Arthur's chambers, the real reason we got out late was to warn Arthur but burning Tristan was Merlin's idea. We entered the room without knocking, which cause Arthur to be startled, but he saw it was us he groaned in annoyance.

" Abby, Merlin, you know that conversation we had about knocking..."

" You have to pull out," Merlin interrupted Arthur before he was gonna give us a lecture on manners. He should be the last person to talk to us about that....

Arthur scoffed, " And why is that?"

" Because he'll kill you." Merlin said it straight out which clearly annoyed Arthur.

Arthur groaned in frustration, "Why does everybody think that?" Arthur can be prideful sometimes but I know this time it's not the case. He (for some reason) needed to prove to his people that he could protect them. The people already knew he could, but Arthur did not feel that way.

" Arthur, you need to realize it's not because were doubting your abilities, it's because it's different this time. The Black knight is clearly not an ordinary knight." I try my best to convince him. I could tell Arthur ponder on my words a little. As much as he denies it, he really does take my and Merlin's advice into consideration. We weren't just his servants, we were his friends.

" Exactly!" Merlin agrees, " You're the Crown Prince. No one wants to see you die over some stupid challenge."

" I am not a coward." Arthur's tone became more serious.

I rolled my eyes," We know! We both stood there and watched you overcome every fear you've ever faced."

" That's what's required of me," Arthur says. He's putting too much pressure on himself.

" But you are more than that. You're not merely a warrior. You're a prince, a future king! You've proved your courage, but you must prove your wisdom." Merlin was right, this is for the future of the kingdom Arthur needed to sometimes just take a step back.

" I'm not backing down." Arthur wasn't gonna budge, he's never going to back down from a fight even if he knows it means certain death.

"Please, Arthur, listen to us. This is no ordinary knight. Look at him. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep. He just stands there, in complete silence. Doesn't that tell you something?" Merlin had walked over to the window to show Arthur Tristan just standing there waiting.

Arthur stared at the Black Knight, he knew this was not a normal knight but yet he still says, " No one is unbeatable."

" If you fight him, you will.....!"

" Merlin," I interrupt him, " It's no use Arthur's never going to back down." No matter how much we tried it wasn't going to work. Merlin had dropped his shoulders and sighed, he knew I was right, Arthur was too stubborn

" Ahh, at least someone sees sense" Arthur pats my shoulder. His touch made me slightly shiver; my feelings for him have died down a little but they were still there. The way Arthur looked at me, was way different from the way he looked at Merlin, so that must mean his feelings for me were still there.

I leaned over the dining table and looked straight at Arthur, making sure he's was listening, I say, "Just so you know, we warned you. Were not telling this because we don't believe in you, were telling you this as caring friends."

Arthur's eyes grew softer, " Well you two don't have to worry no more, I'll see you tomorrow for the fight."

I nodded my head and grabbed Merlin's arm as we left the room. If Arthur wasn't going to help himself, then we were going to have to do it for him.

I'm so sorry guys that I took forever in posting a new chp, I was unmotivated to write and I was busy with school. Don't worry I'm not going to give up on this book, i'll keep posting new chps when I can.

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