Lancelot Pt 2

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Merlin came in later that night with a smile on his face, he was holding a parchment paper in his hand.

" What's that?" Lancelot questioned.

"This is your seal of nobility." Merlin answered.

" I don't understand." Lancelot was confused.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria." Merlin introduced, showing us the front of the paper which showed a seal of the nobility with Lancelot's name. Merlin gave a little bow and I chuckled.

Once Lancelot realized what he meant, Lancelot shook his head," No. Merlin. No."

" Oh come on Lancelot, this is your chance, don't you want to be a knight?" I spoke up. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I just hope it doesn't end up like I know it was supposed to end up. 

"Of course I do!" Lancelot stood up.

" Then what are you waiting for , who cares what the rules say. The rule is false! And they won't know anyways we have a seal right here." I try to convince him.

"But it's a lie. It's against everything the knights stand for." Lancelot put his head down.

"You have as much right to be a knight as any man. I know it." Merlin interjects.

" But the rules."

" Damn the rules!" I stomped, which got Lancelot's attention because he jumped up a little.

" Besides, We're not breaking the rules. We're bending them, that's all. You get your foot in the door. But after that you will be judged on your merit alone. And if you succeed - if they make you a knight - it'll be because you earned it, noble or not. We can't change the way things are done around here, but you can...if you let us help you." Merlin gives a little speech. Lancelot sighed but finally agreed and took the parchment.


In the morning, Merlin and I took Lancelot to Gwen's house to take his measurements, I saw the way Lancelot was looking at Gwen and how Gwen was looking at Lancelot, it made me smile. There so good together. I knew eventually Gwen would end up with Arthur and don't get me wrong, they were a good couple but Lancelot and Gwen seemed more fitting to me, they don't have to hide, there so humble and sweet, it's a match made in heaven.

"Thi...*ahem* This is very kind of you, er..." Lancelot stuttered as Gwen took his measurements.

" Gwen....." She smiled. " Short for Guinevere."

"Ah. Then thank you, Guinevere"

"Don't thank me. Thank Merlin and Abby. They would do anything for anyone, wouldn't you, Abby? Merlin? Sorry, can you raise your arms?" Lancelot raised his arms." Thank you. Sorry. I think it's great that Merlin and Abby got you this chance. We need men like you."

" You do?" Lancelot boldly asked. I had to admit Lancelot was a charmer.

Gwen blushed, "Well, not me personally, but you know...Camelot. Camelot needs knights. Not just Arthur and his kind, but ordinary people like you and me."

"Well, I'm not a knight yet, My Lady."

"And I'm not a lady." Gwen giggles. I nudge Merlin's shoulder nodding my head towards the two love birds. Merlin smiled at me and nodded his head agreeing that this was sweet and entertaining to watch.

"Okay, we're done. Erm...I should have these ready in no time. It's nice to meet you Lancelot." Gwen put out her hand to shake, Lancelot takes it and kisses it instead and Gwen blushed even harder. Me, Lancelot and Merlin leave her home and walk down the Courtyard Corridor.

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