The Gates of Avalon Pt 2

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" Today's your birthday." Merlin gave me a warm smile.

" Yeah, I can't believe I've forgotten that I turn 18 today . I've been so caught up on saving Camelot and Arthur that I forgot to think about myself sometimes." Initially for my birthday I was planning to buy a bunch of books for myself because my parents after I turned 13, never gave me any more presents because they said I was too old for them. So for the past 4 years I bought myself some cake and a present for myself and spended my birthday alone. Now that I'm here I don't have to spend my birthday alone and that was a present itself.

Merlin sighed, " I wish you had remembered, I would have gotten you a gift." Merlin puts his head down ashamed. He shouldn't blame himself, he didn't know.

" Don't worry about getting me a gift Merlin. I'm not the gift type." I assured him, not wanting him to feel guilty. He shouldn't anyways he didn't know.

Merlin shook his head, " No, i'm getting you a gift."

I try and counter but Merlin but a finger on my lips to hush me up," Don't even try to convince me not too cause it's not going to work." He removed his finger from my lips. I sight in defeat but on the inside I was extremely happy, that someone cared to even give me anything.

" You should tell Arthur, maybe he'll give you a day off," Merlin suggests as we got to Arthur's chambers.

I shrug my shoulders at Merlin's idea, " I will probably tell him but I don't care if I get a day off, I rather have something to do."

We entered Arthur's chambers to see Arthur standing around. He looked like he had his head in the clouds.

" Ah, Abby. Merlin. I want you two to make sure Sophia is put in a nice room." I rolled my eyes at Arthur's mention of Sophia.

" The one next door's empty." Merlin implied with a smirk on his face.

Arthur's eyes lit up, " The one next door's fine. Excellent, in fact."  I almost scoffed, I had to admit I was definitely jealous.

Arthur noticed Merlin's smirk and said," Shut up, Merlin"

" What? I didn't say anything." Merlin claimed.

" You didn't have to. I want to make it clear that my intentions towards Sophia are completely honourable. Put her in the room on the other side of the castle. It's warmer, more comfortable."

" Sure. Um... she's very pretty." I state uncomfortably. Arthur must've noticed because he cleared his throat and gave me a sympathetic look.

" Yeah she is, but my intention is honourable nothing else."

" Then if you intention is honourable then what's the problem with her staying next door?" Merlin egged on. I wanted to smack Merlin so bad in the back of the head for encouraging this. I know boys will be boys but Sophia and her father are dangerous despite my hatred towards her, she shouldn't be let near Arthur.

Arthur seemed to agree with Merlin, "There isn't one. You've convinced me. Put her in the room next to mine." Merlin left the room and I went to follow behind him but Arthur asks, " Abby, wait are you alright? Something's off."

I turn towards him and gave him a slight smile i'm glad he still cared for me, so Sophia hasn't gotten to him fully yet.

" I'm fine it's just..."

" If it's about Sophia I just want to make it very clear...." he interrupts.

" No! No, no it's not about her, " I interrupted, " Today's my 18th birthday and I haven't got the chance to celebrate it yet." I know it's wrong to be selfish but I would like at least to have a day where I didn't have to worry about anything and celebrate my birthday with my friends.

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