A Remedy To Cure All ills Pt 4

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Gauis was acting very suspicious lately, he was coming to his chambers late at night and he has rarely spoken to us. I assume it was because of Edwin. Edwin was now reviewing Gauis's pass cases and works and I could see Gauis was under a lot of stress. Edwin was going to lie to throw Gauis under the bus and it wasn't right, hopefully soon Merlin and I can get rid of this guy.

Merlin and I just finished Arthur's chores which took forever because he gave us a long list. I swear he just likes to see us suffer. My dress was completely dirty with dust and dirt from scrubbing Arthur's floors and helping Merlin muck out the stables, well Merlin did most of the mucking I just help brush the horses. I was really enjoying hanging out with the horse's, they were just so elegant and beautiful.

Merlin and I went back to Gauis's chambers, when we entered we saw that Gauis was reading a book. He seemed to be completely focus on the giant book because he didn't really notice us come in. We didn't bother him though we just entered our bedroom chambers.  I had to take a bath so I warmed up some water for myself and dumped it in the bath. Merlin left the room to give me some privacy. I relaxed myself into the bath and just cleared my mind. I started to think about how long it's going to take me to change Arthur's destiny. I was thinking about Mordred the one who actually killed him. Maybe when he comes Merlin and I won't help him. But I just can't, he's just a little boy. I had to change him in the future when he's older. This is going to take a long time for me to actually change Arthur's destiny. I won't see my parents anytime soon, but then again for some reason that thought didn't make me unhappy. Would it be really bad for me to choose to stay here? I was still contemplating on the decision but I have a long time to think about it, years to be exact.

I dried myself from the bath and got dressed. I told Merlin he can take a bath now. I didn't have to leave though because I went to bed and closed my eyes and didn't look at Merlin while he took a bath. Though a thought crossed my mind, if I could peak a little while Merlin was bathing but I quickly suppressed the thought.  That would be wrong of me to do.

I quickly fell asleep.


I woke up really refreshed. After a hard days work I really needed a good night sleep. I had to wake up Merlin though, he overslept a little. I wouldn't blame him though, but being servants of Arthur didn't let us sleep in very often, especially more now since we had to help Edwin to.

" Merlin, get up." I shake Merlin's arm and he opens his eyes but groans.

" I haven't sleep this good in a while, why did you wake me up?" Merlin moaned sitting up from his bed.

" Because we have to collect some supplies for Edwin." I reminded him. He scoffs as he put his blue neckerchief on, I swear he never goes out without one. We were about to leave the room before he stops and stares at me up and down. He grabs the hem of my shirt and gives me an questioning look.

" What?" I ask.

He clears his throat," Your wearing my tunic, and my bottoms!"

I blush, I didn't want him to notice but of course he would have, stupid me. " Sorry, but I wanted to be comfortable for once. I was getting tired of wearing stupid dresses. In my time, girls don't have to where dresses all the time and if they do it's usually for an event. Anyways, if you want me to change i'll....."

Merlin interrupts my babbling, " No, no it's fine. You look great with it on." Merlin gave me a cheeky smile as redness was forming on his face. My face was also getting a little heated.

We left our bedroom chambers to see Gauis in the same exact position he was before, reading  that book.

" Have you been up all night?" Merlin asks Gauis.

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