The Mark Of Nimueh Pt 1

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" Aren't you sacred?" Merlin asks Gauis . We were in the square, there was a dead body on the ground, that Gauis was examining.

"Of what?" Gauis questioned.

"That you might catch whatever it is."

"I'm the court physician, Merlin. This is part of my job. Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of." Gaius turns over corps to reveal that the body was white skinned, white eyed face and his veins were popping out.

"You were saying?" I remark.

" People mustn't see this. They'll panic." Gauis exclaims. I help Merlin put the body in a wheel barrow and cover it up with a blanket so no one see's it. We move the body over the castle drawbridge but then Gwen approaches us with a bouquet of flowers.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Er...just moving something." Merlin answered her.

"Looks heavy." She looked around the wheelbarrow probably guessing on what it might be.

" It's nothing really. Someone got you flowers?" I ask her trying to change the subject.

She blushes then giggles, "Oh! No. Would you two like one? A purple one." She put's one in my hair and one in Merlin's neckerchief.

" Aww, it suit's you both" she compliments.

" Thank you, Gwen we'll see you later " I wave goodbye and she walks away and Me, Merlin and Gauis get back to what we were doing.

We get the body back to Gauis's chambers and Gauis examines the body.

"I've never seen anything like this before." Gauis says astonished.

"Do you think it could be some kind of plague?" Merlin asks.

" No. I fear that something like this could never come from nature. But who has this kind of power?"

" It's caused by Magic " I tell them bluntly. The both turn there heads away from the patient to me, " What do you mean dear?"

Before I could respond an annoying prat was at the door. " Merlin! Abby!" Arthur called out. Merlin was going to answer the door but I told him " I got it."

I open the door blocking Arthur's view of the dead body, " Sorry were late, we are kinda of busy." I tell him.

"Don't worry. I'm getting used to it." He responds but then he looks at my hair and furrows his eyebrows.

" Who got you the flower?" He sounded a little angry, which confused me.

" Gwen did, why does it matter?"

His shoulder relaxed a little, " Uh... Nothing, Just tell Gauis my father needs him now."

" Okay." I close the door.


" I heard " Gauis interrupts.

" I don't know why he could've told you himself." I scoffed.

"Cause that's the way it is. You're a servant."

"Wha...if he knew who we were, what we've done..." Merlin trails off.

" You guys would be dead servants. Right, get this covered up" Gauis interrupted.

" Hey! Were not your servants." Merlin crossed his arms.

" No, you're my dogsbody and Abby my apprentice. Come on, hurry up." Merlin complied and we covered the body.


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