Excalibur Pt 6

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It was late at night, I stayed awake because I knew Gauis was trying to prevent Arthur from fighting the Black Knight. Merlin was still out like a light, he wasn't going to awake until I said the reverse spell which I plan too after Arthur defeats Tristian.

I heard a shuffle outside my room, I quietly opened the door seeing Gaius getting ready to leave.

" Dormir," I whisper, using the same spell I had used on Merlin. Gauis dropped down to the floor, dropping the potion he had in his hand and knocked out. Once I heard his snores I walked out grabbing the potion and left the quarters.

I headed into the kitchens and saw that one of the servants was preparing The King's late night snack. Once she turned around I quickly poured the potion into his drink and ran out before she could catch me. I needed to make sure that Uther didn't try to stop Arthur from fighting, if I can make this change from the original story that means I can definitely prevent Arthur's death in the future. As I make my way back to my quarters I pass by Arthur's room and see his lights are still on. He's usually out like a light by this hour; Curiosity got to me and I knocked on his door.

" Come in!" He yelled.

I walk in and see him sitting at the edge of his bed tapping his food looking extremely worried. Once he saw me I saw his shoulders relax and he slightly smiled.

" Why are you up so late?" Arthur questions me.

I slightly smirk, " I could ask you the same thing." He looks up at me and chuckles.

He stands up from his bed and leans on the bed frame trying to seem more like an authority figure, " I'm the prince, I go to bed whenever I please too."

I roll my eyes at him. 'Oh here he goes' " Yeah, Yeah. Arthur you're never up at this time. Is someone worried about their big fight tomorrow" I decided to tease. I knew he was scared even though he will never admit it, I hope my presence will be at least a little comforting to him

He scoffed, " I'm not worried, it's called I'm strategizing." He obviously is lying so I sighed and shook my head in disappointment. I walked over and sat on his bed and pulled his arm so he could sit with me. He widens his eyes, shocked by actions but compiles.

" Just because you're a prince doesn't mean you can't get worried. You're human, we all worry but you'll be fine if anyone can defeat the black knight it's you " I encourage. He stared at me in awe, his pupils dilated as he stared down at me. His eyes are beautiful, blue my favorite color. Sometimes I forget how handsome he is, he was really a work of art.

Arthur sighed, " Your right Abby, you always are. Thanks, I needed that." I was surprised that he thanked me since he never really does, he's kinda different when Merlin was not around, more sensitive.

He looked up and down at me and started leaning in. I wanted to kiss him but it just felt wrong, I was in love with Merlin but I do have deep feelings for Arthur. My feelings are very confused right now. I decided to not do things any further so I moved my face to the side and kissed him on the cheek.

There was so much awkward tension, we sat in silence for a minute.

Arthur broke the silence, " Ummm, did I do something wrong?" He looked hurt, I didn't mean to come off as rude.

" No, no, no." I reassure him, " It's just that you know we can't be together. I'm not trying to make it even worse for us." I half lied, technically we could be together but it's just a risk with Uther still around, plus I think I would rather be with Merlin, if that ever happens .

He sighs, " I know, but maybe someday we will."


I was putting  Arthur's armor on him, it was almost time for him to battle. The crowd was loud outside; they were eager for Arthur to defeat the black knight.

" Where's Merlin?" Arthur asks.

" He doesn't feel well," I lie, " But he wishes you luck." Maybe I should have woken him to see the battle but I didn't feel like explaining everything that happened at this moment.

I finished putting on his armor and got the magic sword  from under the cloth. I felt its power once I held it. It was like my whole arm was tingling and my body immediately felt stronger. I handed Arthur the sword and he started swinging it, getting a feel of it.

" This sword feels strange, like it's different from my usual one." Arthur said. I was worried he's  going to ask for another one but he sheathed it and stood near the entrance.

" I'm thinking too much of it, it's probably just my nerves."

I sighed in relief, thank God he was dumb. I squeezed his hand, " Good luck." He smiled before putting his helmet on and going inside the arena. I stood off to the side of the stands and watched Arthur and Tristian have a standoff. Uther was missing from his seat right in the middle, which meant my plan worked. Instead Morgana sat in his place Gwen sat beside her, both looked very worried.

The Horns sound and the fight begins. Swords clash, they go back and forth each getting an upper hand from time to time. I flinched when Tristan hit a hard blow, the impact was ruff but Arthur seemed to recover quickly from each blow. Arthur knocks Tristian's helmet off and reveals a mummified face. It looked like one of the zombies from the walking dead. The crowd had gasped in horror, shocked that it wasn't a human under the armor. Arthur had hesitated once he saw its face, Tristan became more enraged by Arthurs actions and growled so loud the ground shook under my feet. He knocked Arthur's sword from his hand and tackled him onto the ground. Arthur struggled to get his sword unstuck from under his shield, I wanted to use magic to help but in front of all these people could be a huge risk. What if I was wrong? Maybe Uther needed to be the one to destroy it. I stopped questioning myself once I saw that Arthur kicked his shield at Tristan and grabbed Excalibur and ran through him. Tristan explodes into dust.

I cheered loudly with the crowd, my plan worked! Arthur raised his sword high in the air as the crowd chanted his name.


" So, you're saying Arthur defeated Tristian and you helped him all on your own..." Merlin was very shocked once I woke him and Gaius up. I explained as much as I could to them but they were mad at me for putting them to sleep.

" That's right," I say proudly, tooting my own horn.

Gauis pats me on the shoulder,  " I know it doesn't seem like we are but we are proud of you, just never do that again."

I lean on Merlin's shoulder, I did miss his bright smile. " No promises, '' I joke." They all chuckle. It is peaceful now for Camelot but we all know there is always something evil coming around here.

Heyyy i'm backkk, ik its been a while but im working back on it had motivation recently i'll try my best to get it out soon.

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