A Remedy To Cure All ills Pt 5

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After the whole meeting with the King, Merlin and I followed Gauis to his chambers. I just couldn't believe he sacked him just like that. After all the years Gauis worked here. This was all Uther's fault, to be honest I can't wait to see his face when he figures out Edwin wants to kill him.

" Gaius! Uther cannot do this to you. You tried to save Morgana." Merlin exclaimed once we both walked into the room.

Gauis shook his head, " Uther's not to blame."

I scoffed, " Yes, he is to blame. He sacked you because of one mistake and we all know it wasn't a mistake Gauis." Gauis was protecting Uther too much he needs to see that the King is not good either.

" It's not his fault he's blinded by Edwin's deceit, it's hard to spot besides, I think my time is up." Gauis starts packing up.

" Wait! Why are you packing? Don't leave, we'll talk to Edwin you can work together." Merlin tries to stop Gauis. But Gauis shook his head and continued packing.

" No, you two must do nothing."

" We can't just stand by and do nothing Gauis, This isn't fair." I was almost on the brink of tears, Gauis took me in even though I was a stranger, I can't bare to see him leave. I know from this episode he comes back but what if he doesn't.

" Uther's right, it's time I step down." Gauis finished packing and hangs his bags of clothes on his back and his bag of medicine on his arms.

" Where are you going to?" Merlin sadly asks. Merlin's eyes were filled with tears. His usual bright ocean blue eyes, were now not so bright. My tears eventually fell at the sight of him.

" I can't stay here. But you two must." Gauis assured.

Merlin shook his head, " No, I'll come with you." 

" So will I." I said after Merlin. Gauis was more important than my destiny and besides if he decides to come back then I will have nothing to worry about.

Gauis slightly smiled at us but his eyes said he was hurt. " Abby. Merlin..." Gauis puts a hand on each of our shoulders, " You guys are like a daughter and son to me, I never expected to have such a blessing so late in life."

" And you are more than a father to us," I say. Gauis has been more of a father to me than my actual father. My actual father barely even acknowledged my presence. It was always, work, sleep, eat and repeat. Gauis cared for me more than my father ever did.

"Then, as a father, I must tell you two, you must remain here. Camelot is where you guys belong."

" But, you belong here too" Merlin exclaimed.

" Not any more Merlin. You two must promise me you won't waste your gifts."

" Our gifts mean nothing if we don't have you to teach us." I respond, we cant use our gifts if we don't know how.

Gauis sighs," Abby, You and Merlin have a great destiny. If I have had a small part to play in that, then I'm pleased."

" There is so much that we have to learn. We need you to teach us." Merlin begged, with a frustrated look on his face.

"I'm afraid I am leaving here tonight. And there's nothing you two can do or say that can persuade me otherwise." Gauis stated. I knew we wouldn't change his mind .

Merlin rubbed his face with his hands and huffed in anger, " We won't let this happen!" Merlin grabbed my hand and ran out of the room taking me with him.

I hear Gauis from a distance say, " Goodbye, Merlin and Abby."


Merlin and I watch Arthur practice. We were still devastated about Gauis.

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