The Beginning Of The End Pt 6

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I knew it! I just knew it! I should've listen to my gut. Morgana was caught and now Mordred's in jail. I knew Uther wouldn't arrest Morgana but the bruise around Morgana's neck did show he was not happy with her. The fact that Uther put his hands on his own daughter shows he would stop at nothing to get rid of magic.

" I promised that I wouldn't let anything bad happen." Morgana told Merlin and I, her voice cracking as she put her head down in disappointment.

 I put a hand on her shoulder in comfort, " You can't blame yourself. You tried your best."

She shook her head, " It's not enough." Merlin and I exchange looks of sadness, we felt bad for the Ward. She really felt it was her duty to take Mordred back to his people.

" He's in jail now. There's nothing more we can do." Merlin said which seem to anger Morgana. She obviously didn't like that Merlin was trying to give up.

Morgana stomped," I will not let him die," She looked over to Merlin and I, she had determination and a rebellious look in her eye. She looked very powerful to me, strong-willing, not willing to give up so easily.

"Can I count on you two for help?"

Merlin and I nodded our heads, we have already gotten ourselves in this situation and were not backing out now.

Morgana put a small pink scarf around her neck, covering the bruise that the King gave her. 

" Thank you." She said in relief.


It was later on in the night when Merlin and I were heading to Arthur's chambers. Outside I could see the executioner sharpening his axe, it looked so sinister. I flinched at the thought of Mordred's head being chopped off. No matter what Mordred was going to do in the future, I was not going to let him die now. That could be Merlin or myself on that stand getting executed. The thought of that made me shiver, it would hurt way more for me if Merlin died. I would give my life for Merlin in a heartbeat.                                  

Merlin was holding on to my hand tightly, I caressed his hand with my thumb to help him calm down. I felt really bad for Merlin, not only he has to worry about Mordred getting executed, but he was still confused on why Kilgharrah doesn't want us to help him. 

" Thank you." Merlin said unexpectedly.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, " Why are you thanking me?"

Merlin looked down at our entangled hands, he slightly smirked. " Your touch, helps me out all lot when I'm stressed."

My heart sped up pace and my cheeks became flushed, I manage to stutter out,  " Your welcome." I didn't really know what to think. Maybe I should tell him about my feelings for him. Not now though, there's too much on our plates right now.

We entered Arthur's chambers and I surprisingly see Morgana. Arthur and Morgana seemed to be deep into conversation, but they stopped once we entered.

" Sorry," I apologize, " Are we interrupting something?" I saw Arthur look down at Merlin and I's intertwined hands. His forehead wrinkle, like he was frustrated. I still didn't let go of Merlin's hand, Arthur was just going to have to deal with it.

" Nothing you two need concern yourselves with. Go make yourselves useful, muck out my horses." Arthur tried to shoo us away. 

" I trust Abby and Merlin." Morgana said. 

Arthur motioned his hand for us to enter. I closed the door behind me and stood next to Arthur and Morgana.

"We're going to break the Druid boy out of the dungeons." Arthur said quietly, but loud enough for us to hear. How could I forget Arthur was the one who was going to bring Mordred back to his people! I need better memory. Isn't ironic though? The one hunting him is now helping him.

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