A Remedy To Cure All ills Pt 2

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" Edwin Muirden, Sire. Physician and loyal servant." Edwin drops to one knee and hands the King a rolled parchment. Merlin and I were leaning on a pillar watching this whole thing go down. I still couldn't believe Arthur would just let this guy in.

" Welcome to Camelot." Uther greeted.

"Have we met before?" Gauis asked. I can tell by the look on his face, Gauis wasn't to excited for Edwin to be here either.

"I doubt you would forget a face like mine, sir." Edwin replied referring to his terrible scars on the left side of his face.

"Do you really believe you have a remedy?" Uther asked with a little hope in his voice.

" There are not many ills that I have not seen and successfully treated, Sire. So when I heard of the Lady Morgana's sickness, I felt honour bound to offer my services." Edwin really did play a really good act for the King, I had to give him his props. But then again, the King is too easily fooled.

" You say you have a cure for all? An antidote for everything?" Gauis questioned. By his expression I could tell he didn't really believe this story.

"Yes. Although it is not quite as simple as that."

"Gaius is the court physician." Uther said.

"You are indeed a legend, sir. I am delighted to meet you. I am curious to know what it is that has affected her?" Edwin played the super nice and respectful card, but it didn't fool me.

"An infection of the brain." Gauis says with confidence.

"And your treatment?"

" Yarrow."

" Yes, yes."

"Rosemary to stimulate cerebral circulation."

" Interesting." Edwin pondered.

" Why? What would you suggest?" Arthur stepped into the conversation.

"No, no, no, that is all fine. All good. If that is... the right diagnosis." Edwin said, though he couldn't hide the smirk forming on his face.

"What would your diagnosis be?" Uther asks a stupid question. Yeah this pretty much confirms that Uther would've never been a good doctor.

" Well, without examining the patient..."

" He should examine her." Arthur interrupted.

" I would need my equipment."

"Of course. You'll have use of one of the guest chambers." Uther offered. I don't get it Edwin just got here and they already trust him, It was getting me on my nerves. they should've at least check him first before trusting the guy to examine Morgana.

" And consider my servants at your disposal."

I scoffed, I can't believe Arthur just offered us up like that, what a prat. I could also see that Merlin didn't like the idea either because he furrowed his eyebrows and his face hardened.

"I will start work immediately." Edwin bowed to the King and left the room and me and Merlin follow after him.


Merlin and I set down Edwin's equipment on the table in Edwin's guest chambers.

" Yes...it was all originally designed for alchemy." Edwin explains, talking about his equipment.

" Making... Gold?" I raised an an eyebrow not really sure if I was correct or not.

"You have an interest in science?" Edwin asked surprised. I didn't really like the way Edwin was acting towards me. He was eyeing me up and down and stood awfully too close.

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