The Gates of Avalon Pt 3

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Ever since Merlin gave me that necklace for my birthday yesterday I couldn't stop playing with it. It was just so beautiful, I kept on thinking what I was going to put in it. There were no such things as pictures here so I needed something else, I'll probably think of something.

I was heading to Arthur's chambers to give him his breakfast, Merlin was still sleeping. I decided not to wake him, he needed the rest. Now, the hard thing was waking up Arthur, he was a very heavy sleeper. I'm pretty sure he can sleep through an attack on Camelot.

I pushed the chamber door open with my foot so I wouldn't drop his food. I went in and settled his food on his dining table. Arthur was snoring very loudly while he was sprawled on his bed, sheets a complete mess. I try not stare at his bare chest which was tempting since he had no shirt on. I sat at the side of his bed and started running my fingers through his hair. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, not worrying about Camelot, enemies or his Father, just carefree Arthur. I shook him gently trying to be nice for once but he didn't budge.

" Arthur...." I shook him more, " Wake up." He just turned over to the other side.

" Alright..." I stood up, " You want to do this the hard way, that's on you." I opened the blinds and the bright sun pierced through his window. I grabbed the cup of water that came with his breakfast and dumped it right over his head.

He sat up immediately from his bed, " Abby! What the hell?!"

I smirked, " You wouldn't get up I had to do something"

He got up and waved a finger in my face, " There are many other ways to wake me up."

I gave him an innocent smile, " Yes, but it's' more fun this way." He gave me a death glare before realizing he was half naked so he went behind his changing screen.

" Where's my other half wit servant?" Arthur asked while he slipped on a shirt.

I ignored the fact that he called me and Merlin wits and said," He's still sleeping he will be here with me later."

Arthur finished changing, I was expecting him to come over and eat but instead he went over to his drawers and pulled something out of it. He hid it behind his back before I could see what it was.

He stepped in front of me and revealed what he was hiding behind his back, "Happy late birthday."

It was a dagger but it was covered. The covering was red with gold designs with blue, red and green jewels on it. I took it out of Arthur's hand and took out the dagger from the covering. The dagger had pretty patterns and the end of it was gold with beautiful jewels on it.

 The dagger had pretty patterns and the end of it was gold with beautiful jewels on it

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I was astonished, this was so pretty. I gave Arthur a big smile, I was so giddy inside.

" Arthur it's amazing, the perfect gift. Thank you."

He shrugged his shoulders, " It was nothing, I saw how you fought when we were saving Sophia and her father, now that you have a weapon it's ten times better."

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