The Mark Of Nimueh Pt 3

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Merlin and I decided to go visit Gwen in Morgana's chambers. Of course Merlin opens the door without knocking.

"How's your father? Is he feeling better?" I ask Gwen. She smiles when she see's us two at the door.

"Yeah, it's incredible. It's a miracle." She says ecstatically.

"His skin's clear, back to normal?" Merlin questions not really keeping the questions broad.

"Yes." Gwen raises an eyebrow.

"Great" Merlin and I both say. We turn to leave but Gwen stops us,

" You two don't seem all that surprised."

"No, no,  we are. It's a miracle." I exclaim, afraid that she might have caught us.

"But how did you two know he was well?" Gwen continues to question. I try to think about what to say but Merlin does that for me.

"Er.... because your'e smiling." Gwen seemed not too convinced.

"That's really weird because I haven't told anyone, but you two know. How could you two know?" Gwen asked suspiciously.

"Yeah. Alright. You finally found out, I'll tell you." I raise my arms like I've been caught by the police, Merlin gives me a wide eyed look, the 'what are you doing?!' look.

" Were psychics." I joke.  Merlin shoulders relax and Gwen laughs.

" No you're not."

" It's true " Merlin says catching my drift.

"Alright, what am I thinking?" Gwen taps her head and smirks.

" That were not psychics." I tell her.

She giggles," You two are strange, I don't mean that in a nasty way. You guys are just funny. "

" Well were pleased for you." Merlin smiles.

" Thank you, you guys."

" For what?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders,"Don't know, just for asking."

" Well we don't like to see you upset, were your friends you can always come to us." I said genuinely.

Gwen smiles and waves as we leave.


Me, Merlin and Gauis were walking down the Upper corridor but then we here someone yelling,

"No, please. You've got to listen to me! Please, I haven't done anything wrong! You have to listen to me, please! I am innocent, I swear! Let me go! I swear to you!" We turn to see it was Gwen, who was being dragged by Arthur and his knights.

She see's us," Abby! Merlin! please help me!" She turns her head to the guards,"Why won't you listen to me?!"

" Gwen!" I call out but before I did anything Gauis grabbed my arm and escorted Me and Merlin out of there.

We get back to the physicians chambers and Gauis slams the door.

" What did you two do!?" Gauis yells.

"What?" Merlin acts oblivious.

"I warned you two! Oh, I understand. You two thought you were doing good. Abby! I thought you the more responsible one and you let it happen."

" I know Gauis but we couldn't just let her father die." I explain, a little hurt because I felt like this is all my fault.

"Didn't you two think it might look a bit suspicious, the curing of one man?"

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