Excalibur Pt 2

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It was the day of  the battle between Sir Owain and the Black Knight. No matter how much Arthur tried to convince Owain to  back out of this fight, he still refused. No one is supposed to back out of knights code, which I find very idiotic. They still fight even though they know there going to die, that's not courage it's stupidity.

Merlin, I and Arthur were in a tent getting Sir Owain prepared for his battle. Merlin and I got all of Owain's armor on and made sure he had everything ready for his fight, while Arthur gave him a little pep talk.

" You've never fought in mortal combat before. It's different. It's not like the training I've been giving you." Arthur told Owain with worry in his voice. Arthur may be a prick but he would lay down his life before any of his knights.

" Yeah, I know." Owain responded a little cocky, he doesn't know what he's getting himself into.

" Listen to me, " Arthur said in a authority, making Owain give his full attention to him, "The problem is, we've never seen him fight. You have to quickly get the measure of him."

" But I have the same advantage. He's never seen me fight." Owain countered. I was getting annoyed with Sir Owain, Arthur was only trying to help him. If he pushed his pride aside maybe he could've had a fighting chance.

Arthur agreed, " True."

" You've watched me." Owain stated.

" Yes." Arthur nodded his head.

" And?" Owain questioned.

Arthur looked very hesitant but he patted Owain's shoulder like old buddies would do and answered, " And I know no one braver. Remember, all it takes to kill a man is one well-aimed blow." Even though I wasn't a professional fighter I knew I didn't have to be, to know one strike can mean death.

I had handed over Sir Owain's helmet before Gwen came in with a small purple cloth in her hand. 

She curtsies Owain and hands the cloth to Owain. " The Lady Morgana asked me to give you this token. She wishes you to wear it for luck."

Sir Owain tied the cloth around his arm  and slightly chuckled, " You can thank her, and tell her I shall wear it with pride. But I won't need luck."

Merlin and I exchanged looks of concern. Sir Owain was way to full of himself he never had a chance in the first place. I looked over at Arthur, his eyes told me he was eager to step in for his knight. His father would never let him because Uther knew the real truth on why the Black knight was back. 

Merlin and I were at the battle grounds standing next to the seats of the little arena, I could see Arthur say one thing to Sir Owain before they enter the arena. Sir Owain looked pumped up while the Black Knight just stood there, breathing heavily like an animal.

Arthur went next to his father then announced to the crowd, "The fight shall be to the knight's rules! To the death!" Uther looked at the situation a little mortified, he would always seem emotionless during these types of fights but today it was different.

Arthur took in a deep breath before saying , " Let battle commence!"

The start to fight and it became a back and forth, counter after counter, The Black Knight was a heavy hitter but he was slow, while Owain was a little bit faster but his well aimed blows seemed like the Black Knight was hit by a feather.

" One well-aimed blow!" Arthur shouted at Sir Owain. Owain stabbed the Black Knight right into his side. Owain  slightly smirked already accepting victory.

" Yes!" Merlin cheered, but I did the opposite. I shook my head disappointed at the situation. Merlin gave me a look of confusion at my lack of enthusiasm, but his happy attitude changed also when the Black Knight didn't go down.

The Black Knight continued fighting without showing signs of hurt. Owain was shocked by what was happening but that moment of heistantation gave an opportunity for the Black Knight to stab Owain right in the stomach, killing him.

Everyone in the crowd gasped as I hid my face in Merlin's shoulder to look away from the bloody scene. Merlin patted my head gently in comfort. I  look back at the battle ground to see the Black Knight throw down his gauntlet.

" Who will take up my challenge?" The Black Knight asked, acting like he didn't just kill a man. Arthur tries to bolt over the barriers to accept the Knight's challenge, he was extremely furious over the situation. Uther grabs his son before he can get over, as he tried to get out of his fathers grasp another one of Arthur's knights picked up the Black Knight's gauntlet.

" I, Sir Pellinor, take up the challenge. " Sir Pellinor was a really good knight, extremely skilled and way less cocky then Sir Owain, he actually did have a good chance of beating The Black Knight, if the Black Knight was mortal.

The Black Knight groaned, "So be it." The Black Knight left the arena, passing by Merlin and I on his way out. As he passed by me, I felt something really dark and sinister bounce off him, maybe my magic is detecting something off about him, but I didn't need magic to know that. 

As some Knights went to get Sir Owain's body out of there, I could see Lady Morgana's token to Sir Owain fly off in the distance.

 Merlin and I headed off with Gauis, Gauis had checked Owain's body just to make sure he was officially dead. We all watched The Black Knight just stand in the middle of the courtyard waiting for his next fight. He didn't eat, sleep or drink, how is that not suspicious to people.

" Should we tend to his wounds? He took a hit." Merlin told Gauis, referring to The Black Knight.

Gauis raised an eyebrow, " Owain didn't land a blow."

Gauis was either lying or he really didn't see,  I clearly saw Owain stab the Black Knight in his side.

" Merlin and I saw Owain stab him in the side, it was clear as day." I said.

" Are you sure?" Gauis questioned.

" Ours eyes are quicker than yours. He should be dead." Merlin confirmed. Maybe it wasn't Gauis's old age that caused him to miss it because many people did not see it happen, it was probably our magic that helped us out.

Gauis sighed, " Perhaps he already is." Merlin looked at Gauis confused, but I on the other hand knew what he was talking about.  The Black Knight is definitely not alive.

Im sorry guys for the late Chp, I have been busy but also I didn't have any motivation to write, I'll try and update as soon as I can.

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