Lancelot Pt 1

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" I don't know why Gauis couldn't get this himself

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" I don't know why Gauis couldn't get this himself." Merlin complains to me as we are collecting mushrooms in the woods for Gauis.

" Oh stop complaining, you act like this is hard." I respond.

" It's not, it's just that we have to run around and do things for Arthur and when were off from him we have to do stuff for Gauis." He wasn't wrong I haven't had a break in days. But since I know what's going to happen next, were probably not going to have a break anytime soon.

" Your right, maybe we can ask Gauis to let us have a little rest from all these chores, or ask Arthur to have a day off." I suggest. Merlin smiled at the idea but the smile faded when we heard a screeching noise.

" What was that?" Merlin asks, his question was answered because a giant Griffin flew down right in front of us. Out of fear I fell and screamed but Merlin grabbed my hand and lifted me up and we started running. The Griffin was chasing us, we keep running but then Merlin tripped on a twig and he fell down taking me down with him. The Griffin started screeching again, I held tightly to Merlin waiting for the Griffin to attack but then I heard someone scream. 

I lifted my head from Merlin's chest to see a man strike the Griffin with a sword but the sword breaks.

The man looked very familiar, " Run! Run!" The man yelled, he ran to us and lifted us from the ground. Once I saw his face I immediately knew who he was, Lancelot.

We run and hide behind a fallen tree, I saw Lancelot holding his side, he must be hurt.

" It's gone. You saved our lives. I'm Merlin." Merlin puts out his hand to shake.

" And I'm Abby, thank you so much for saving us." I put out my hand to shake. Lancelot shakes Merlin's hand but Lancelot grabs my hand and kisses it.

" Lancelot," he says before passing out.


We brought Lancelot to Gauis's chambers and Gauis cleaned and taped up his wound.

"The wound itself is superficial. The fever will pass. He should be fine in the morning." Gauis tells me and Merlin as Lancelot was fast asleep on Merlin's bed. I remember my first time seeing Lancelot in the TV show. My first thought was wow this man is very attractive, I almost-ed laughed at that thought but I didn't want Merlin to think I was crazy. Lancelotwas very handsome, he had a defined jawline, brown eyes, shaggy brown hair and a very built body. I could see what Gwen saw in him. Not only that he's handsome but later on in the show I realized how noble, kind, and loyal Lancelot was and that he didn't deserve everything he's going to go through. Maybe I can change his fate.

In the morning, I, Merlin, and Gauis ate some breakfast but then Lancelot came out of the room with a confused look on his face.

" Where am I?" He asks while Gauis led him to a bench for him to sit down.

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