The Beginning Of The End Pt 4

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After Gauis's long, extremely boring, lesson Merlin and I headed straight to Morgana's chambers as fast as we could. I knew Merlin in this episode couldn't heal Mordred but now since I'm here, maybe two hands could be better than one. At least I payed attention to Gauis's lessons, helping me understand to maybe actually heal Mordred, Merlin just dozed off, I had to kick him multiple times to wake him up. He would've hated school in my time.

Once we got to the Ward's chambers she was relieved when she saw us. 

" What took you guys so long?" Morgana asked as Merlin and I kneeled to the ground the start treating Mordred. Mordred may have gotten worse, he lost all the colors in his cheeks and his infection looked really terrible. Mordred looked all but dead.

" Sorry. Once Gaius gets talking about anatomy, there's no stopping him." I answer. Merlin started to put the herbs and medicine on Mordred's arm. Mordred was wide awake but he stood completely still, letting us treat him without even a flinch. I made sure Merlin had the correct amount of medicine and herbs because I was the one who read the infection book.

Morgana was watching us with a look of concern, "Are you sure you two know what you're doing?" I was getting a little annoyed, I know Morgana was just worried but her questioning isn't going to help. I wonder if this is how Gauis feels when I ask him about what he's doing to his patients.

" We're trying our best," Merlin answered her without looking up, still completely focused on Mordred. I wrapped Mordred's arm with some bandages tightly, hoping the wound would heal.

" I'll get you guys some more water." Morgana offered, seeing that we ran out of water to help cool down Mordred's fever.

Morgana had left the room and Merlin and I had finished treating Mordred's wound.

Merlin sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. " Do you think this will work?" Merlin asked me.

I slightly shrug my shoulders," I don't know, let's just hope so."

" Thank you, Emrys and Willow." I get startled by Mordred voice in my mind. Willow?  I knew Merlin's name was Emrys to the druids, so does that mean the druids know me as Willow? The druids know me?

Emrys? Willow? Why do you call us that?" Merlin asks through telepathy.

" Among my people, that is your names." Mordred answers. Merlin and I exchange looks of confusion.

" You know who we are. How?" I question him through telepathy. Mordred kept silent.

" Speak to us." Merlin pestered on, though he said it out loud. Mordred still didn't speak, instead he closed his eyes to fall asleep.

" I don't know if he can't speak, or... he's just too scared to." Morgana said behind us, I turned around and she handed me a bowl of water. I started to dab Mordred's forehead with the cool water.

" We should go speak to the Dragon," Merlin whispers to me as Morgana walked away. I nod my head, he would probably would have answers but I know he's not going to like what I'm doing. 


All of the guards were searching for Mordred in the castle so it gave Merlin and I more of an opportunity to sneak into the Dragon's Cave.

" Hello," I call out, my voice echoing throughout the cave. I look around to see the Dragon come out the corner,  he roared so loudly that my ears started ringing. 

I got so scared that I almost fell but Merlin caught me, holding onto me tightly, as I caught my balanced. I slightly blushed as he kept his arm on my shoulder.

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