Excalibur Pt 3

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Gauis had led Merlin and I down to the Burial Vaults in the King's Palace, it smelled horrible, like rotting flesh. Well it makes sense, since were in a burial vault which is just a bunch of dead people in tombs.

" Are you sure we should be doing this?" Merlin asked Gauis as he looked around with a little fear in his eyes.

" You're not scared, are you?" Gauis teased Merlin. I slightly chuckled, it was funny to see Gauis being the one teasing little ol' Merlin.

Merlin scoffed, " No, I love old crypts. I wouldn't be seen dead anywhere else." We got into the vault and all there was a bunch of old tombs. Out of nowhere the door slams right behind us, which caused me to jump up in fear and hold tightly onto Merlin's arm.

" Oww, Abby you're going to break my arm." Merlin whined. I loosened my grip a little and said,   " Sorry." Gauis had looked at the both of us and smirked, but why did he do that for?

" Must've been a gust of wind." Gauis tries to give a reasonable explanation for the door shutting, but I don't think he's right, something is wrong about this place.

" We should've brought a torch." Merlin shook his head.

Sometimes I think Merlin forgets we have magic, " Leohtbora." I say the spell and fire appears on the torches hanging on the sides of the room, brightening the place up.

Gauis smiled, " Huh. Handy!"

" Yes!" I responded proudly. Merlin rolled his eyes at me but then chuckled slightly, finding me amusing. We walked among the graves, following Gauis who seems like he's looking for a certain one.

" What are we looking for?" I ask Gauis. Gauis had finally stopped at one grave, running his hand over it, widening his eyes.

" Over here!" Gauis calls us over. Merlin had grabbed one of the torches off the wall so we can all see the grave better. The grave seem to be open but it didn't look like someone broke into it because there were no cracks or signs of forceable entry.

" We're breaking into someone's grave?" Merlin questioned.

Gauis couldn't get his eyes off the grave, he seemed to be in a state of shock. He knows something that we don't, well Merlin doesn't know.

Gauis shook his head, " We're too late. I think someone's already broken out."


Gauis, I and Merlin were walking back to our chambers while Gauis was explaining to us about the man who used to be in that tomb. I had already knew but, it was good for Gauis to tell us. It helped me refresh my memory and also it's good Merlin is finding this out.

" Tristan Dubois was the brother of Ygraine, Uther's wife." Gauis said as we entered our chambers. 

" Arthur's mother?" Merlin questioned in shocked. I kept blank face, Merlin gave me a confused stare, probably because I wasn't as shocked as him.

Gauis sighed, " Ygraine died in childbirth. He blamed Uther and came to the gates of Camelot and challenged him."

" To single combat." I added on, all of our shoulders dropped. The look on Merlin's face told me he just realized what I meant

" Uther won. But in his dying breath, Tristan cursed Camelot to one day suffer his return. I thought it was the ramblings of a dying man." Gauis looked down, seeming to be disappointed in himself.

" Men don't just rise up from the dead, though, no matter how angry they are." Merlin stated, which was true. Nobody raises from the dead on their own, this is the work of Nimueh. The thought of Nimueh made my blood boil, I've had a bone to pick with her ever since she poisoned Merlin, I can't wait to get my hands on her.

Gauis had pulled out a giant book, slamming it on the table, " It's my guess we're dealing with a wraith." Merlin and I looked over Gauis's shoulder to see what he was talking about.

" A wraith?" Merlin questioned.

" The spirit of a dead man conjured from the grave." Gauis pointed to the picture of the wraith on the page, it looked like a zombie, but it's eyes were blood red and it had a dark alure to it, it made me shiver.

"So this is the work of a sorcerer?" I ask, but more implied it.

" Powerful magic can harness the grief and rage of a tormented soul and make it live again." Gauis shared his knowledge on the situation. So, because Tristan had something against Uther, Nimueh could bring him back to the dead. Why does Uther have to piss so many people off.......

" How do we stop it?" Merlin asked, urgently.

" We can't. Because it's not alive, no mortal weapon can kill it." Gauis explained.

" Surely there's something we can use to stop it." I say, acting oblivious but I really knew how.

Gauis seem to catch onto my words, he gave me a suspicious look, " Nothing can stop it until it has achieved what it came for."

" And what's that?" Merlin questioned.

" Revenge."

" On Camelot? What does that mean for Sir Pellinor?" Merlin asked worried, we all knew what's in stored for Sir Pellinor.

Gauis sighed, " I'm afraid it doesn't look good."


It was later on in then day, when the fight with Tristan and Sir Pellinor had begun. Sir Pellinor held his own, he was doing very well against Tristan. If the black knight was alive, Pellinor would be able to beat him. 

" Maybe you were wrong." Merlin tells Gauis as he cheered when Sir Pellinor striked the black knight.

Gauis gives Merlin a weary look, " I hope so." Sir Pellinor runs up to Tristan and stabs him right in the side. They were huddled together so it wasn't very noticeable that Pellinor stabbed him. Tristain did not flinch or move, he stood there motionless. Pellinor had his eyes wide open in fear. Tristan quickly stabbed Pellinor, killing him as the crowd gasped. I held Merlin's hand tightly, I was not a fan of seeing a man get killed.

The crowd had groaned, wanting for Sir Pellinor to win. It saddened me that the people only wanted to see an entertaining fight. The knight literally died and all they saw it as entertainment.

Tristan faced the crowd and stood there waiting for his next challenge, before Tristain could throw down his Gauntlet, Arthur threw down his.

Arthur stared at the Knight with determination and anger, " I, Arthur Pendragon, challenge you." I felt Merlin's hand tightened around mine. The crowd was shocked but eager to see the fight, though Uther was not happy at all.

" So be it." Tristan answered, in a deep sinister voice.

" Single combat. Noon. Tomorrow." Arthur called the shots, before leaving the arena. Arthur doesn't realize he has to fight his dead uncle. I knew Arthur wasn't going to be the one to fight him anyway but I wonder if there's something I could change.

Im sorry guys for taking a while to update, it's been a very stressful and busy week. I'll try and update asp when I can.

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