Excalibur Pt 1

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The Black knight:

It has been almost a year, since my arrival to the show Merlin

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It has been almost a year, since my arrival to the show Merlin. In all honesty, everything has been unexpected. I have magic, I almost died multiple times, I have two guys to chose over, I have to stop Arthur from dying, but...... i'm enjoying every second of it. I've never had someone I truly cared about until Merlin and Arthur came into my life. I also care very much for Gwen and Morgana, but you rarely see me leave Merlin or Arthur's side. Even though its has been almost a year, I have not confessed my feelings for Merlin just yet. I have no idea why, maybe I was too afraid, or it was because of Arthur. Arthur has been becoming his own person, challenging his father, having his own views and perspective on certain things. I've had a feeling that has to do with Merlin and I. Arthur treats us like close friends instead of servants, letting us speak out of turn, letting us speak our opinions, giving him advice, his father would never had approve of this.

Arthur probably thinks when he becomes King, he would pursue a relationship with me, thus why he still acts strangely towards me. Flirting, being nicer, touching. I don't know what to do, I just let him, but I shouldn't be fueling the fire. I just don't want to hurt Arthur, he would eventually get over me... I hope.

It has been a couple of months since something bad has happened in Camelot, but I had my suspicion high. Nimueh is probably planning something big. From what I can conclude I'm further into season one of the show , because I remember this episode which was Arthur having a ceremony to be crowned prince of Camelot, which was happening right now.

I was in the hall of ceremonies, standing with Merlin and Gwen watching Arthur kneel before his father.

" Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom and its dominions according to the statutes, customs and laws laid down by your forebears?" Uther asked his son, his voice projecting throughout the room.

" I do, Sire." Arthur answered.

" And do you swear allegiance to Camelot, now and for as long as you shall live?"

Arthur looked up at his father and put his right hand over his heart, " I, Arthur Pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service and to the protection of the kingdom and its peoples."

Uther looked proudly at his son and grabbed the gold crown, more smaller and circular than his own and hovered it over Arthur's head, " Now being of age and heir apparent, from henceforth, you shall be Crown Prince of Camelot." The crown was bestowed onto Arthur's head. Arthur stood up and faced the crowd, we applauded loudly for him. I hope this crowned prince stuff doesn't go to his head because Arthur was already egotistic before, Merlin and I don't want to deal with any more of it.

" So how does it feel to be servants of the Crown Prince of Camelot?" Gwen asked Merlin and I with a slight smirk on her face.

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Washing his royal socks will be even more of a privilege."

" Yes, washing his dirty laundry will be more special now." I joked.

Gwen chuckled, " You two proud of him, really. Even though you guys complain about him constantly." I was very proud of Arthur, he has grown a lot since I've first met him. He was going to be a great prince, but I wasn't going to admit that of course.

Merlin shook his head, " We are not." I knew Merlin was proud of him, but like me, he wasn't going to admit that.

" You two are. I can see it in your faces." Gwen pointed at our faces. Our glowing faces made us suspicious.

Merlin and I exchanged looks before Merlin said, " Those socks are very clean! Of course were proud of them."

Gwen and I laugh, but that laughter died down when a Black Knight on a horse busts through one of the windows, glass shattering on the ground. Merlin, I and Gwen move farther back as the people in the front moved farther away, some of them shouting in fear.

Arthur and his knights draw their swords, Arthur getting in front of his farther in a protective stance as the black knight stood in the middle of the room.

" What in the devil's name?" Uther questioned, surprised. The Black knights horse walked closer to Arthur, and the Black knight threw his gauntlet on the ground, insinuating he wanted to challenge Arthur to a fight.

Arthur sheaths his sword and went to pick up the gauntlet, but another knight gets there first and picks up the gauntlet.

" I, Sir Owain, accept your challenge." I briefly knew Sir Owain, he was a good knight but definitely not the best of the group.

" Single combat. Noon tomorrow. Till the death." The Black knight's voice was very deep and sinister. His armour was scratched up and dirty, like he went through a battle before coming here. I did not recognize his crest, it was a white phoenix. Though I did know who this knight was, I remembered from this episode that the Black Knight was Ygraine's ( Arthur's dead mother) dead brother.

The Black Knight rides out of the room, leaving Arthur and Uther speechless as the crowd tremble in fear at the sight of the Black Knight.


" Have you ever seen this Black Knight before?" Merlin asked Gauis, on our way to his chambers.

" I don't believe so." Gauis answered not too convincingly. I saw Gauis's expression when he saw the Black Knight, it was very shocked and his eyes widened like he knew who this person was. Gauis was hiding something.

" You didn't recognise his crest?" I questioned.

Gauis clears his throat, " Crest?"

" Which house is it?" I continue to question. I didn't remember what house it was in but i'm sure i'll figure it out soon.

" I'm not sure. I didn't see it that clearly." Gauis clearly lies.

" But he's not someone you'd forget in a hurry, is he?" Merlin said.

Gauis shook his head, " No."

" So you don't think he's from around here?" Merlin continued to ask questions.

" That would seem likely."

" Then what's he doing here?"

Gauis was seemed clearly annoyed, " Merlin, Abby, your faith in my all-seeing knowledge is both touching and wholly misplaced. Maybe if you two finished your work, you could go to bed and leave me to finish mine." I never seen Gauis this willing to get rid of us, I guess he didn't want to be asked about the Black Knight.

I put up my hands in surrender, " Ok, were going. Gauis?"

" Abby." Gauis gives me a stern look, waiting for my question.

" Do you think Owain can beat him?" I was very worried for him, I knew his fate to be, but he would never listen to a servant like myself, he wasn't like Arthur. I grab Merlin's hand, for comfort. Merlin squeezed lightly, helping me calm down.

Gauis sighed, " We'll find out soon enough."

Omg guys already! Thank You so much for 3k! Sorry for the late chp I was sick.

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