Lancelot Pt 5

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" Don't worry guys, I know your trying." Gauis tells us. Me and Merlin repeatedly said the spell but nothing has happened, it was getting frustrating. If we don't get this on time then Arthur will die. I cannot let that happen.

" Were failing Gauis, Arthur could die." I said frustrated. Before Gauis could respond Gwen comes rushing in the room.

" Abby! Merlin! Lancelot's riding out to kill the Griffin!" Gwen said in a worried tone.

" He's what?!" Both Merlin and I yell . I wasn't super surprised I knew he would do something like this. Gwen nods her head helplessly and Merlin grabs my hand and we run out of the room.

We find Lancelot in the Lower town saddling his horse. We go to him and once Lancelot saw us his eyes widen.

" Abby? Merlin? What are you two doing here?"

Merlin grabs a horse," Were coming with you."

" No, you two are not coming." Lancelot said.

I scoffed, " Yes we are you can't stop us."

" You guys are not soldiers." Lancelot replies. I rolled my eyes, we could defend ourselves.

Before I could answer Merlin says," You said it yourself, Lancelot, Arthur needs all the help he can get. Now let's go." Lancelot sighed but finally agreed. Merlin saddled onto his horse but he looked at me in confusion.

" Abby, where's your horse?" I felt a little embarrassed, I never rode a horse a day in my life.

" Um.... I don't know how to ride one." I blushed embarrassed. Lancelot chuckled and Merlin smiled.

" It's fine, you could ride with me." Merlin puts out his hand to grab, I did and he helped me onto the horse. I held onto Merlin's torso tightly, a little afraid as we rode.

" Just relax." Merlin whispers to me noticing how tight I was holding onto him. I soften my grip on him and relaxed my tense shoulders, this wasn't bad at all, in fact it was pretty fun.

In the distance I could here swords clanging, and screeching/hissing noises from the Griffin. We reach the fallen knights and Lancelot and Merlin dismounted there horses. I saw Arthur on the ground, I run over and so does Merlin. I feel Arthur's pulse and I felt a heartbeat.

" Well?" Lancelot asks.

" He's alive." I tell them. Merlin and Lancelot sigh in relief.

The Griffin hisses, Lancelot get's back on his horse and puts his helmet on, he gets in attack position with a Lance pole.

" Okay Merlin," I get up from the ground and grab Merlin's hand, " It's now or never." Merlin nods his head.

Lancelot rears his horse and Merlin and I say, " Bregdan anweald gafeluec."

Nothing happens and Lancelot charges,"Bregdan anweald gafeluec."

Still nothing happens and Lancelot passes us,"Bregdan anweald gafeluec!"

Again, nothing happens and the Griffin charges," Bregdan anweald gafeluec." I felt power flow through me and the lance flames blue. Lancelot hits the Griffin with it and the Griffin screeches and explodes, it was dead. The magic glow disappears.

" Yes!" Merlin celebrates and I hug him, we did it. Behind me I heard someone groan, I let go of Merlin and I see Arthur waking up. Lancelot removes his helmet and Arthur's eyes widened.

" Lancelot?" Arthur questions.

Lancelot bows his head," Sire."

Arthur looks over to see the Griffin's ashes on the ground," You did it. You killed it, Lancelot!"

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