Lancelot Pt 4

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Merlin and I sneaked into the Council Chambers, we hid behind a pillar as the Guards dropped Lancelot to his knees before the court. I saw Arthur standing behind his father, he had an emotionless expression on his face but I can tell from his eyes he was deeply saddened and disappointed.

"Tell him what you told me." Uther told Geoffrey the court genealogist/keeper of the royal library.

"These credentials are faked. The seal itself is faultless, forgery of the highest possible standard, but a forgery it must be. There is no record of the fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria. Therefore he..."

"Lied. Do you deny it?" Uther asked Lancelot angrily, interrupting Geoffrey. My heart dropped down to my feet, this was all my fault.

Lancelot dropped his head down in shame,"No, Sire."

"You've broken the First Code of Camelot! You've brought shame upon yourself and upon us. You are not worthy of the knighthood bestowed upon you. You never were. And you never will be. Get him out of my sight!" The Guards escorted Lancelot out. I backed into Merlin making sure the Guards didn't see us on there way out, I felt Merlin snake his arm around my waist, my heart sped up a little. I knew he was only doing that so we don't get caught but it just felt right.

Arthur sighed," Sire....."

" Do you contest my judgment?" Uther raised his eyebrows.

"His deception was inexcusable. But he meant no harm, father, I'm sure of it. He only wished to serve." Arthur was right all Lancelot wanted to do is serve, fight for Camelot but he gets punished because he lied about his status, it was not right.

"The First Code is a sacred bond of trust. It is what binds the knights together. How can you trust a man who's lied to you?"

It's not if the person is lying it's about what's the person is lying about. Arthur trusts me and Merlin, well I hope he does and we both have magic and he doesn't know where I came from either. But we are the most trustworthy people that Arthur trusts wholeheartedly, we are just trying to save ourselves from execution and getting thrown in jail, just like Lancelot.

Arthur huffed in frustration and left the room. I had to make sure Me and Merlin can leave without getting caught. With my magic, I made one of the scrolls on the table fall on the ground. As Uther went down to pick it up, Merlin and I bolted out of the room and attempted to catch up to Arthur.

" Arthur!" I yelled out panting from the running, I hated exercising. Arthur turned around at the call, he was at the door of his chambers.

" Abby? Merlin? It's a little early for you guys to be here, that unusual because you guys are usually late." He insulted as we entered his room.

" Were not here for work it's about, Lancelot. You have to convince your father to let him go." Merlin said.

" I already tried, he didn't listen, besides Lancelot lied." Arthur sighed and sat at his dining table.

I rolled my eyes at his words. He didn't really try at all, he was too scared of Uther to even rebuttal. " Does even matter if he lied! Lancelot is noble by heart not by status. All he wanted to do was serve and he gets punished for it, he was better than every damn knight on that field."

" I know Abby! But I can't nothing about it, It's the Kings orders." Arthur responded and ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. I knew it wasn't the right to think about right now but Arthur looked hot mad.

" Lancelot doesn't deserve this." Merlin says what we all think.

Arthur sighs," I know," He looks up at us and raises an eyebrow," Did two know Lancelot wasn't a nobleman?" Merlin and I exchange looks and say at the same time, " No."

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