The Poison Chalice Pt 2

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We all got back to Gauis's chambers," Lay him on the bed quickly; he's struggling to breathe. Gwen, fetch me some water and a towel." Gauis ordered and Arthur lays down Merlin and I kneel down next to the bed.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Arthur asks concerned.

"He's burning up." Gauis touches Merlin's forehead.

Gwen hands me a towel soaked with cold water and I dab Merlin's forehead with it.

"You can cure him, can't you Gaius?" Gwen asks.

"I won't know until I can identify the poison. Pass me the goblet." Gwen hands Gauis the goblet.

"Ah. There's something stuck on the inside." Gauis takes something out of it. It was very small and it looked like a flower petal.

" What is it?' I ask continuing to dab Merlin's forehead with the wet cloth.

"It looks like a flower petal of some kind." Gauis answers. Merlin was squirming a little and I felt his forehead feeling that his temperature was extremely high.

" His brow is on fire." I tell Gauis worried.

" Keep keeping him cool, it'll help control the fever." Gauis instructed while getting a book out, I wet more of the cloth and cool Merlin down.

"Ah. The petal comes from the Mortaeus flower. It says here that someone poisoned by the Mortaeus can only be saved by a potion made from the leaf of the very same flower. It can only be found in the caves deep beneath the Forest of Balor. The flower grows on the roots of the Mortaeus tree." Gauis reads from the book.

Arthur looks at the book and points to a picture,"That's not particularly friendly."

"A Cockatrice. It guards the forest. Its venom is potent. A single drop would mean certain death. Few who have crossed the Mountains of Isgard in search of the Mortaeus flower have made it back alive." Gauis explains.

Arthur sighs," Sounds like fun."

"Arthur, it's too dangerous." Gauis tried to reason.

"If I don't get the antidote, what happens to Merlin?"

Gauis sighs,"The Mortaeus induces a slow and painful death . He may hold out for four, maybe five days, but not for much longer. Eventually he will die." Arthur looks at Merlin sadly but then he looks at me. We stare at each other for a few seconds but I break it by looking at Merlin and keeping him cool. I should've warned him earlier it's all my fault. I should of been the one on this bed not him. I let a few tears fall as I feel Arthur's eyes still on me.

" I guess I just have to take the chance."


Gwen left to go tend to Morgana so I finally had my chance to tell Gauis everything.

" Gauis, Bayard is not the who poisoned the Goblet it was Nimeuh."

He widen his eyes in shock," What?!"

" I remember this Gauis, Nimeuh is the one who poisoned the goblet. I tried to warn him but if he didn't drink the goblet then, Arthur would have so he drank it instead." I explained.

" She wouldn't dare to set foot in Camelot." Gauis starts pacing.

" She did though, she was that serving girl we saw, the one Merlin bumped into."

" Where is she?" Gauis asked.

" I don't know."

Later on at night Gwen came in and told me that Uther won't let Arthur go, not if I had anything to do about it.

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