The Beginning Of The End Pt 3

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Morgana informed Merlin and I that Uther has doubled his efforts on searching for Mordred. Why couldn't the King just leave the boy alone?  Merlin and I were checking on Mordred again. He was getting much worse. He has lost the color in his cheeks and his wound seemed to be infected. "This poor kid "  I thought to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. I have found myself acting in a sort of motherly way towards the boy. It reminded me of how I took care of my older brother. I only had one sibling and he left the house years ago once he turned 18. Even though I was younger, I had seemed to act in the role of an older sibling towards my brother. I really did miss him, he would occasionally visit me but he couldn't stand our parents so those visits became less and less, then eventually, non-existent. I was still thinking whether or not I should go back home, when I fulfilled my destiny, it would be an easy decision, stay here, but my brother creeped back into my mind making it harder for me to decide. I still had time so I suppressed the thought, focusing back onto Mordred. 

" He's burning up. How long has he been like this?" Merlin asked Morgana, touching Mordred's forehead.

" Since early this morning. I think his wound may be infected." She answered, "We need Gaius before it gets any worse." I agreed with Morgana, as much as I don't want Gauis involved in this we need him if Mordred wants to live.

Merlin shook his head, " No. We can't involve Gaius. It's too dangerous. Besides, if he finds out about this, he'll execute me and Abby himself."

"We need to get him out of Camelot, and we can't do that while he's sick. We need a physician." Morgana explained.

" We'll treat him." Merlin offered both of us up. I give Merlin a stern look, he knows damn well we can't treat him.

" Merlin, we don't know how to treat an infected wound." I state the obvious.

Merlin was a little hesitant on saying, " We're fast learners." I was about to counter until I heard a knock on Morgana's door. Merlin and I quickly hid behind Morgana's curtain before we heard the door open.

" Arthur! To what do I owe this pleasure?" I heard Morgana ask. I peaked out behind the curtain to see Arthur and a handful of his knights.

" Don't get all excited. It's not a social call. I'm looking for the Druid boy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to search your chambers." Arthur said bluntly, I could tell he wanted to do this quickly.

Morgana scoffed, "You're not searching my chambers."

" Don't take it personally. I have to search the entire castle. Only take a few minutes."  Arthur was about to walk around until Morgana stopped him.

Morgana shook her head, " I'm not having you mess up my things." She crosses her arms.

" I'm not interested in your things, I'm just looking for any evidence that the Druid boy in the castle." Arthur bickered back. From across the room I could see Mordred's boots, oh no.

I tap Merlin on the shoulder and point to where Mordred's boots were. Merlin widened his eyes.

" Perhaps the Druid boy's hiding in your chambers. They're usually such a mess, you'd never know." Morgan kept bickering with Arthur.

" It's hardly my fault, I have two lazy idiot's as my servants." Arthur insulted. Wow, very nice Arthur. I knew Merlin had to get those boots somehow, I needed a distraction.

" Hey! I heard that." I exclaim, peeking my head out of the curtain but, covering my body so It seemed like I was changing.

Arthur widened his eyes," Abby what are you doing here?" Morgana looked at me, mouthing the words ' What are you doing', thinking that I blew my cover.

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