Valiant Pt 2

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Merlin and I were back in the Physicians chambers, Merlin used magic to do all the chores Arthur asked us to do. I can't even imagine all the work Arthur made Merlin do before I came here, it was still too much for two people so imagine only one. I sigh, I knew I had to tell Merlin about Valiant but without actually telling him.

" Hey Merlin...." He looks away from the amour that was cleaning itself to me.

" It's about Knight Valiant, I know I can't tell you what he's going to do but we need to be careful around him he's bad news" I explain the best I can, if I couldn't say what at least I could warn him. Merlin goes up to me and rubs my arm, his gentle touch comforted me. Every time he touched me it made my heart flutter.

" I could tell that something was off about him, whatever it is we can handle it " Merlin responds giving me his cheeky smile. Before I said anything back Gauis walked in and all the objects drop.

"Are you guys using magic again?" Gauis grumbles.

" No..." I lie.

"What's all this, then?" Gauis points to the mess on the floor. Merlin and I shrug our shoulders.

" I just came to tell you guys that supper's ready."


Merlin and I were in the armory gathering Arthur's armor talking about how the knights can fight in this when it was super heavy.

" I'm telling you Abby, when I had it on it was like an extra 20 pounds. I could barley move in it." Merlin tells me.

" I know but the knights train and have it on all the time there use to it, and they gained the strength too " I explained.

Merlin was about to say something until he got interrupted by a hissing noise.

" Did you hear that?"

I nod my head. I point over where Valiant's Shield was, I knew it was the shield but Merlin didn't.

" I think it's coming from over there." We walked over to the shield, seeing the three headed snake picture on it but one of the snake heads blinked. I jumped a little.

" You saw that?" Merlin asks me.

" Yes! Don't touch it" I warned.

" Can I help you two with something?" Someone says behind us. Me and Merlin turned around to see it was Valiant.

" Nothing,no--thing we were just erm...."

" Admiring your shield, we saw it while we were gathering our master's armour just looking." I help Merlin out cause he couldn't find a way with words.

Valiant still had a hard expression on his face, " Well you both best be on your way now, and if you wanted to see my shield lass, next time just come too me." He looked at me like I was prey and it made my skin crawl, he looked at me up and down before motioning his hand to leave. Merlin and I grab Arthur's armor and head to his chambers.

" He's so disgusting, did you see the way he looked at you? I wanted to punch him in his face." Merlin said disgusted and angry as we settle Arthur's armor on a table in Arthur's chambers.

" As much as I would like to see that I wouldn't want you to end in the dungeons." I replied. In all honesty when Merlin wants to defend me it makes me feel special and I love it.

Arthur walks in and raises his eyebrows, " You two don't look happy."

" Were fine." I slightly smile. He gave us a look saying he didn't believe us but said nothing more.

" You guys did all this on your own?" Arthur asked surprised.

"Yes, Sire." Merlin replies.

"Now let's see if you two can get me into it without forgetting anything." We put Arthur's armor on not missing anything.

"That was much better. Not that it could have got any worse." Arthur says rudely, oh how much I would like to say something to the prat but I just ended up saying,

" Were fast learners."

"I hope, especially for you sake..." he points to Merlin

".... I hope that's true."

" Good luck " Merlin and me both say to Arthur as he leaves.

We go next to the stands where Gauis was, to watch. The action starts and me and Merlin start cheering.

"Is it my imagination, or are you two beginning to enjoy yourself?" Gauis smirked.

" It...."

" Isn't bad all the time." I finish Merlin's sentence.

Valiant enters the arena and me and Merlin stop cheering. Valiant fights Sir Ewan. Valiant knocks Ewan down to the ground and pins him under his shield. He get's off the crowd cheers for him but Sir Ewan didn't move.

"I think he's badly hurt." Merlin tells Gauis. Gauis enters the arena to examine Ewan. Then some knights help to take Ewan to Gauis chambers.

Merlin and I return to the Physicians chambers with Arthur's armor, putting it on the table.

"How is he?" I ask.

"It's most odd. Look at this. See these two small wounds. Looks like a snake bite." Gauis points to Sir Ewan's neck and there were two small holes on his neck.

"How could he've been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight." Merlin questions.

"But the symptoms are consistent with poisoning: slow pulse, fever, paralysis."

"Can you heal him?" I ask.

"Well, if it is a snake bite, I'll have to extract venom from the snake that bit him to make an antidote." Gauis explained.

"What happens if he doesn't get the antidote?" Merlin asks.

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do for him. He's going to die." Gauis answered sadly.

" He was fighting Knight Valiant." Merlin exclaims his eyes widening.

" What was that?" Gauis questions.

" Nothing." Merlin grabs my arm and takes me to the bed chamber closing the door.

" Valiant is using magic isn't he?" Merlin questioned me. I could tell him now since he figured it out.

" Yes, he uses the shield, the snakes come out of it." I admitted.

Merlin sighed and grabbed my arm again and took me back out to the Physicians chamber.

" The snakes on Valiant's shield are alive Gauis, he's using magic to cheat in the tournament."

"Are you sure?" Gauis raised an eyebrow.

" Gauis I know the future, I know he's cheating." I assured.

" We need to tell the King." Merlin states.

" You can't go accuse a knight with no proof. The king will never accept a servant's word over a knight's." Gauis countered.

" He's right Merlin, I already know what's going to happen even though you do find proof the King won't believe you and Arthur would fire you for embarrassing him." I tell him straight out, we can't afford to make any mistakes.

Merlin groans, " Then what are we going to do?"

I had to devise a plan without getting fired or getting caught, " First starters, we need to get that antidote."

Author's note:

BTW each episode will be divided into at least 2-4 chapters because it's a lot to write, still posting everyday hope you enjoy.

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