The Gates Of Avalon Pt 5

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Gauis had instructed Merlin and I to keep a watchful eye out for Aulfraic and Sophia while he researched more about those pixie creatures I was talking about. We gave Gauis our word and headed off to Arthur's chambers to return to our servant duties, we saw that Arthur's horse was in the stable so, he must be back also from his 'date' with Sophia.

" So, Abby if you don't mind me asking, what were you going to say to me earlier before Arthur interrupted?" Merlin asked, breaking the comfortable silence. I knew he was referring to the moment when I almost confessed my feelings for him. My heart sped up pace a little, I was nervous, I didn't know what to say.

" Um...It was nothing." I answer awkwardly. I still wasn't quite ready to admit my feelings, maybe I was rushing it earlier.

Merlin gave me a look that said he didn't believe me, was I that easy to read?

" Are you sure?" He questioned, " Cause you can speak to me about anything you know, you are my best friend." Merlin gives me a reassuring smile.

When he said best friend, it just didn't sit with me to well. I was tired of being his best friend, I wanted to be more than that.

Noticing that we were close to getting to Arthur's chambers I nodded my head and gave Merlin a reassuring smile, " I know but we can talk about it another time." Eventually I will tell him soon but not now, I rather do that when Camelot's safe again.

As Merlin and I got closer to Arthur's chambers I heard muttering. At Arthur's door was Aulfraic and Sophia. Merlin pulled my arm and we hid behind a wall. Merlin put a finger to his lips showing me to keep quiet. I nod my head and we look over, keeping ourselves hidden from there sight.

" He's ready. Tomorrow he'll do what we need him to." Sophia told her father with an evil look on her face. She must of gotten to Arthur, oh when I get my hands on her....

"Good, you have done well." Aulfraic praises his daughter, " I must go to the elders." Aulfriac walks away from his daughter with his staff in his hand.

" We must follow him" Merlin told me in a low whisper. I nod my head in agreement as we followed behind him making sure we kept our distance from Aulfraic so he wouldn't see us.

Merlin grabbed my hand once we had gotten outside, following Aulfraic into the woods. We made sure to keep our steps quiet so he didn't hear us, which was difficult because of the branches and leaves on the ground.

Eventually, we were led to a lake. I recognized the lake, this was something I couldn't forget. It was the Lake of Avalon. The water was glistening from the brightness of the moon reflecting off the water. I could see the reflection of the moon and stars on the water, the lake looked very beautiful at night.

Merlin pulled my hand downward and we crouched behind a large tree. Merlin and I watched as Aulfraic called out, "I seek an audience with the Sidhe elders! Dotiag-sa ar idbairt do denam!"

At his call, these fairy like creatures appeared. They were so tiny I could only see a bunch on tiny lights brightening the whole lake. The scene looked so beautiful I couldn't believe my eyes. It felt like I was watching something out of a movie. I looked over to Merlin to see he was as astonished as I was.

" Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Merlin asked me, letting out a breath that he seemed to be holding in.

" Yes," I answered in a low whisper, " Is what I'm seeing even real?"

" I don't even know."

Aulfraic bowed down his head to the creatures, "I come before you to plead for the chance to win passage back to Avalon and a life of immortality!"

To Change A Destiny( Merlin Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon