The Poison Chalice Pt 3

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It was early night when Merlin started talking, "Arthur. It's too dark. Too dark. Fromum feohgiftum on fæder bearme. Fromum feohgiftum." I saw a bright light under his blanket so I lifted it up to see a blue light was formed on his hand.

"Gauis! Look!" I call Gauis over, he see's what was happening and quirked an eyebrow.

"Merlin. What are you doing?"

"Leave them, Arthur. Go. Save yourself. Follow the light." Merlin spoke. Me and Gauis were watching everything that was happening.

" He's seeing Arthur, he's helping him." I tell Gauis.

" How?" Gauis asked confused.

" Magic." I was astonished.

"Faster. Go faster. Follow the light! Move. Climb." Merlin shouted. Then his light dims and then goes away and Merlin's tensed shoulders relaxed.


Gwen came in and told us that Arthur returned but Uther locked him in the dungeons.

" He hasn't got much longer. Has Arthur got the flower?" Gauis asked.

"I don't know. Uther won't allow anyone to see him. Is there nothing we can do to help?" Gwen questions distressed.

"Only the leaf of the Mortaeus flower can save him."

I stood up," We have to find out if Arthur has it. I could sneak into the dungeon."

"That would be very dangerous." Gauis told me.

" I have to, Merlin would die if I don't." I look down at Merlin, he was struggling to breathe. Don't worry I won't let you die.

Gauis grasped my shoulder, " Be careful."

I get food from the kitchens and walk down the Wrought Iron Stairway and approach a Guard.

" Food for the prisoner." I say showing the guard the tray of food.

A guard unlocks the door and Arthur was sitting down on the ground he looked up at me and his eyes lit up.

"Set it down over there." Arthur ordered in his royal tone. I put it down on a small table and take a step back. Arthur gets up and goes to the table.

" Thank you."

I turn to leave but he stops me, "Wait a minute." Arthur puts the plate back down and walks back to his seat on the floor.

"I couldn't possibly eat this, it's disgusting. The state it's in, I'm not sure it's fit for anyone." I smirk knowing he's just playing a role for the guard but honestly he kinda acts like this sometimes. I go back to pick up the plate and smile when I see the flower on the plate. I leave the cell.

"You. Wait!" The guard stops me, I turn around and go to the guard scared that he might of caught me. He grabs some bread from the plate, "Waste not, want not, eh? We're not all as precious as our Royal Highness." I turn and go up the stairs but another serving girl brings down a plate of food, " Food for Prince Arthur."

"Stay where you are!" The guard yells at me, I grab the flower, drop the plate and ran.


I ran into Gauis chambers and slam the door,    " How is he?' I panted from exhaustion.

"Have you got the Mortaeus?" Gauis asked.

"Here." I hand it to him.

"His breathing is much worse. We have to hurry." Me and Gwen sit next to Merlin's bedside as Gauis start crushing the flower.

But then Gauis stopped, " Why have you stopped?" Gwen asked.

"The poison was created using magic. We may need magic to make an antidote." Gauis explained.

" But we can't. It's forbidden. Even if we could" Gwen exclaims. Me and Gauis look at each other, I knew you needed magic to do this.

"I'll try and make it work without it. Oh, I need some fresh water." Gauis hands Gwen a bowl and she leaves the room.

"Abby, I need you to say a spell to get it to work." Gauis told me. I stood up and went to him," Of course what is it?"

" Here, that's the spell." He points to the book and hands me the bowl with the antidote in.

I grasp the bowl and say, "Sythan arrest wearth feasceaft funden. Denum æfter dome. Dreamleas gebad he gewinnes longsum." I felt my magic tingle through my hands and the bowl started sizzling.

" Good job." Gauis takes the bowl from me and I head back to Merlin's bedside. Gwen runs in and hands Gauis the bowl of water and rushes back to Merlin's bedside. Gaius pours the potion into a small cup and goes to Merlin.

" Hold his nose." I pinch Merlin nose and Gauis pour the potion into his mouth.

"Swallow, Merlin. Swallow it." He got all of the potion down but he stops breathing.

"He's stopped breathing. What's happening? Gaius." Gwen panics. Gaius puts his head to Merlin's chest. " His heart stopped beating."

"He's dead?" Gwen cries.

" Wait! Just wait, we have to let it kick in" I shouted knowing he's not dead. We all waited for a minute then Merlin started stirring.

He sat up and looked at me, " Ab--by."

" Merlin!" Out of emotions I straight kissed him on the lips. It was very quick but my heart beat was going crazy like I was doing a marathon. We looked at each other wide eyes, once I realized what I did I said," Sorry, it's just you almost--di-ed and.."

"It's fine. It's more than fine. ...erm...what happened? The last thing I remember is drinking the wine." He blushed. Gwen hugged him and so did Gauis. Gauis explained what happened but I wasn't listening, all I could think was I kissed Merlin!


Bayard and his men were released once Gauis told Uther who really poisoned the Goblet. Merlin and I are eating dinner and we haven't mentioned anything about the kiss. Is it because he didn't like it? Did I ruin my chances?

Arthur then came came interrupting my thoughts.

"Still alive, then?" he jokes.

"Oh. Yeah, just about. I understand I have you to thank for that." Merlin responds, wih a smile on his face.

"Yeah, well, it was nothing. A half decent servant is hard to come by. I was only dropping by to make sure you're alright. I expect you both to be back to work tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, yeah of course, er, we'll be there bright and early."

Arthur turns to leave but Merlin stops him, "Arthur. Thank you."

" You too, get some rest."

" Wait Arthur!" I go out the door and close it. I did something unexpected.

I hug him, " Thank you." He was a little startled by the hug but hugs back. I let go but he still had a hold of my hips but I leave back to Gauis chambers with a redden face.

"Arthur may give you two a hard time, but at heart he's a man of honour. There aren't many who'd have risk what he did for a servant." Gauis said as I sit back down at the table.

"It all would've been for nothing if you didn't know how to make the antidote." Merlin told him.

" Yes, but Abby is actually the one who activated it."

" Thank you, to both of you."

" Oh, just eat." I say smiling.

"I still don't understand why Nimueh went to all the trouble of framing Bayard. She could've just kept quiet and killed Arthur." Merlin questions.

Gauis answers, "But destroying Arthur and Camelot wasn't all she was after. She knew one of you would be forced to drink that wine. It was you two she wanted to kill. Seems someone else knows you're destined for great things, Merlin, Abby."

Author's note:
Btw my power went out so I won't write the next chp until it comes back on, hopefully soon.

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