The Dragon's call Pt 4

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" Hoy!" Gauis yells. I wake up from the yelling and sat up from my bed.

" Have you seen the state of this room?!" I look around to see Merlin's side had clothes scattered all over the floor and his cupboard was open with no clothes in it. My side of the room was pretty clean I kept all the clothes I got in the cupboard. Gwen gave me a few dresses and one nightgown, maybe I can make my own clothes but that would take too long, I'm too lazy.

"It just happens." Merlin responds. He got up from his bed wearing the same thing he did yesterday a brown tunic and a blue neckerchief.

"By magic?" Gauis snarks.

" Yeah." Merlin said trying to be funny.

"Yes. Well, you can clear it up without magic. And then I want you and Abby to get me some herbs: henbane, wormwood, and sorrel. And deliver this to Morgana." Gauis hands me a vial.

" Poor girl is suffering from nightmares."

" Mhm, I know the feeling" I mutter to myself.

Me and Merlin walk through the Griffin Landing and up some curved steps to Morgana's Chambers. Merlin enters the door without knocking and I follow behind him.

"You know, I've been thinking about Arthur. I wouldn't touch him with a lance pole. Pass me that dress, will you Gwen?" Morgana rants as she was behind her changing screen. Gwen wasn't here, Merlin looked at me for moral support, not knowing what to do. I motioned my hands toward the dress telling him to hand it to her, he gave it to her.

Morgana continues to rant," I mean, the man's a total jouster. And just because I'm the King's ward, that doesn't mean I have to accompany him to the feast, does it?"

" No it doesn't. I may not be Gwen but I agree with you" I spoke up.

Morgana turns around and walks out of the changing screen she was wearing a beautiful purple dress, she raised an eyebrow giving us a questioning look " Who are you?"

" I'm Abby this is my friend Merlin, we were sent here by Gauis to give you your medicine." I put the medicine down her night stand.

Morgana relaxed her tensed shoulder's, " Oh thank you it's nice to meet you two. I remember Gwen talking about you two and Arthur also mentioned you Merlin how your braver than you look." Merlin blushed a little.

" Since your here should I where this little tease....." Morgana motions to the dress she was wearing.

Morgana shows us a beautiful maroon gown, "...or give them a night they'll really remember." I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. Morgana was very beautiful , her bright green eyes, her milky white skin, her long black hair and the beautiful dresses she had, she had almost everything a girl would want.

" Definitely a night they'll remember" I answer, Merlin nodded his head in agreement.

" I agree " a voice behind me says. I turned around to see it was Gwen.

" Hello, Merlin, Abby what are you doing here?"

" Just dropping off some medicine" Merlin motioned towards the vial on Morgana's nightstand.

" Well excuse us Lady Morgana, Gwen, we must be heading off." I say heading to the door with Merlin behind me.

" Nice to meet you two hope to see you both at the feast" Morgana yells out as we leave the room.


I look in the mirror at the dress I was wearing, It was a pretty blue and gold dress that Gwen gave me. She said Morgana never wore it so now it's mine. It wasn't something I was used to but I really did like it,  I was never a dress person but now that I am here I had no choice, maybe I can steal one of Merlin's trousers and tunic for a day.

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