The Dragon's call Pt 2

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I stood up from my bed hoping but then again not hoping everything that just happened was a dream, but when I saw I was in the small wooden bed, I knew it wasn't just a dream.

I sigh and look in the mirror across the room my brown wild curly hair was all over the place. I try and smooth it down a little but it just bounced back up, at least it still looked good. I look over to see that Merlin was not in his bed. I would have to tell him soon where i'm from he could help me I would ask Killigharrah for help but I wouldn't know how to get there I would have to wait till Merlin goes.

I head out to the Physicians chambers, I see Merlin at the table eating and Gauis cooking.

" Morning Abs," Merlin greets me.

I gave him a questioning look " Abs?" I only heard a few people call me that but my name was already a nickname, my full name was Abigail but everyone called me Abby and I loved it so I just tell everyone my name is Abby.

" Oh it's my new nickname for you, if you don't like it i'll stop calling you that i'm....." he trailed off.

" No, no it's fine I like it " I interrupted smiling at him, he smiled back.

Gauis raised his eyebrow looking at us before handing me a bowl of porridge.

I start eating, it was pretty plain but not too bad.
" You guys didn't take a bath last night , so I got a bucket of water." Gauis puts the bucket on the table, but he knocks it over, on purpose.

Merlin eyes flashed gold and the bucket stopped in mid air, but then it fell all over the floor.

" How did you do that? Did you incant a spell in your mind?" Gauis asks, fascinated on what just happened. I get the mop to help clean up.

Merlin responds " I don't know any spells."

" Me either" I add on, finished cleaning up the water.

" So, what do you two do? There must be something."

" I just happens" Merlin tries to explain, and I nod my head in agreement.

" Well you both better stay out of trouble, You guys can help me until I find some paid work for you guys " Gauis said and handed me a sack and Merlin a bottle.

"Hollyhock and Feverfew for Lady Percival, and this is for Sir Olwin. He's as blind as a weevil, so warn him not to take it all at once."

" Okay " both me and Merlin say. We head to the door but before we left Gauis warned, "And Merlin! Abby! I need hardly tell you that the practice of any form of enchantments will get you killed."

We leave and walk down the Physician's Corridor and through the Square to deliver the medicine. Merlin knocks on a door and a Old man opens it . The Old man eyes were cloudy and dull, he did look very blind.

"Erm, I brought you your medicine." Merlin says handing it to Sir Olwin.

He started to drink the medicine " Oh, and Gaius said don't drink it all at..." Merlin tries to warn but Olwin already finishes the whole thing and closes the door.

Merlin looks and me and shrugs his shoulders "I'm sure it's fine."

I laugh and roll my eyes.

Merlin and I were passing by the Training Grounds when I heard this,

"Where's the target?" Someone questions, his voice was a little deep filled with authority. I knew that voice, it was Arthur Pendragon! I looked over to see he was wearing his armor and his blue eyes were sparkling and his shaggy blonde hair was perfect even though he was training, I would be lying if I said he didn't look good.

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