A Remedy To Cure All ills Pt 1

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Gauis and I were in Morgana's chambers

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Gauis and I were in Morgana's chambers. Uther called Gauis because Morgana still hasn't woken up, it's been two days and we were all getting very worried. She was pale and her breathing was unsteady. She was all but dead.

" Her body seems to have closed down." Gauis tells Uther.

"Why? You don't have an answer do you? Nothing you've tried so far has worked. It's been nearly two days. And what do you know?" Uther questioned frustrated, obviously very worried about Morgana.

"I fear she may have some form of inflammation of the brain." I knew Gauis was wrong it was not an inflammation of the brain, this was magic. Gauis doesn't know that of course. I just don't remember the name of the guy that actually caused this.

" What could cause such a thing?"

"An infection, possibly. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to cure her, Sire." Gauis bowed to the King. Gauis packed up his stuff and we left the room. Gauis and I descended down the curved stairway from Morgana's chambers. Gwen meets us as she was going up, she had a worried expression on her face.

"Is she any better?"

I sadly shake my head no to Gwen as she descended up and Gauis and I descended down. We met Merlin at the end of the stairway.

Gauis sighs, "She's all but dead, Merlin."

"Merlin shook his head refusing to give up, "No, you're going to cure her. You have to."

"Don't you start. I've tried everything." Gauis said frustrated. I could tell he was tired and worried, he couldn't really figure this out and everyone putting the pressure on him was making things worse. This is why I'm never becoming a doctor.

I put a hand on Merlin's shoulder, " Merlin, Gauis is trying, your making the pressure for him worse when you say things like that."

" Your right Abs, sorry Gauis." Merlin apologizes.

" It's alright my boy." Gauis smiled.

Merlin face then brightens up, like he had an idea, " Maybe me and Abby could...." Merlin pauses as a guard walks passed us. "....help."

Merlin was referring to magic of course. I was about to agree with him, until I realized with Uther all over Morgana right now that is not the smartest idea.

Gauis gave Merlin a angry look, "If you're suggesting magic...have you forgotten what happened with Gwen's father? This is not a magical illness, it must be cured by conventional means. We keep trying. See if you two can find me some fresh rosemary."

Merlin sighed, "There must be something more that we can do."

Gauis smirked, " And yarrow."


After we got the plants for Gauis, Me and Merlin went to do our servant duties for Arthur. We were with Arthur in the square. Arthur was walking around trying to distract himself from Morgana's situation. I was sad myself. Morgana is friend to me but I couldn't feel as sad as Arthur, Morgana is like a sister to him, well.... Technically she is his sister but that's a story for another day.

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