The Mark Of Nimueh Pt 4

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"Hello?" Merlin and I call out.

" Hello." The Great Dragon's voice echoes throughout the cave as he flies down on top of a rock in the middle of the cave.

" The great warlock and the young sorceress returns as I knew you would."

" We need to know how to defeat an Afanc." Merlin tells the dragon.

"Yes, I suppose you two do." The Dragon responded not really answering the question. I couldn't stand his word play.

"Will you help us?" I ask.

"Trust the elements that are at your command." The dragon answers, but how does he expect us to know what he means?

"Elements? But what is it we have to do?" Merlin asks confused.

"You two cannot do this alone. Merlin you are but one side of a coin. Arthur is the other and Abby you are the rim of of the coin." The dragon explains. Rim of the coin? Haven't heard that one before.

"I-- I don't understand. Just tell me what we have to do." Merlin continues to seek help from the dragon.

Killigharrah flies off, "No! Please, help us!" Merlin begs.

"I have." the Dragon laughs.

" Well that went well." I joke, but Merlin angrily whipped out as we left the cave.


We got back to the physicians chambers and Merlin started frantically looking through books. While I sat down at the table thinking. When I think of elements I think of the four base elements fire, water, earth and wind. What was that Anfac made of?

My thoughts were interrupted when Gauis walked in the door. He looked at Merlin and I then quirked an eyebrow.

"Merlin, what are you doing?"

Merlin looked over to Gauis, "Looking for a book."

"You going to tell me which one?"

" Elements" I say for him.

"Elements?" Gauis questioned.

"Yes. Which one would I find them in?"Merlin asked urgently.

"Well, most of them. The study of base elements is at the very heart of the scientific process." Gauis explained.

" We think it can help kill the Afanc, do you know why?" I ask Gauis.

"Well, the Afanc is a creature made from earth and water. That's two of the four base elements." Gauis responds. I was surprised he didn't know all four.

"What are the other two?" Merlin asks.

" Fire and Wind!" I yell out getting up from the table excitedly.

" Correct Abby. How did you two find this out?" Gauis questions, he seemed suspicious of us. Merlin and I exchanged some looks before smirking.

" Our powers." Merlin and I answer in unison.

"What else does both of your powers tell you?" Gauis asks curiously.

Merlin snorts,"That I am only one side of a coin. The brighter side, obviously."

" And I'm the rim of the coin, obviously the one that holds things together." I say mocking Merlin's tone.

" I see but, who's the other side?" Gauis asked us still oblivious on what we were talking about.

" Arthur" Merlin and I answer. It was weird both of us say the same thing at the same time a lot, I wonder if it's because we're very like minded. Before anything else was said Morgana came in heavily panting with a worried look on her face.

To Change A Destiny( Merlin Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora