Lancelot Pt 3

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" Here! Here! Go!," I help a lady get to Gauis in the square. The warning bells sounded off not to long ago there was an attack in Camelot, Gauis is tending to the injured and me and Merlin were helping him.

" Your safe now, I promise." I tell the women as Gauis tends to her.

" How is she?" Merlin asks me, putting his hand on my back. I felt a chill up my spine at his touch, I swear i'm never going to get used to his touch.

" Okay." Gauis answers for me.

Lancelot then enters the square panting, " What happened to these people?"

"Their village was attacked by a winged monster." Gauis answers. Me, Lancelot and Merlin exchanged looks, it must be the same one that attacked us.


Gauis starts flipping through one of his books, "The wings of an eagle and the body of a lion."

"But what is it's name?" Gauis huffed in frustration.

" The creature is a Griffin." I tell him.

" Yes!" Gaius exclaimed, he scrunched his eyebrows, " How did you know?"

" I read a book on them and also seen a Griffin before. Although there not as friendly as I thought they were " I explain. All I could think of was Buckbeak from Harry potter, no I haven't seen a Griffin (besides now) in real life but in the movie and I did read about in mythology class.

" You've seen a Griffin before?!" Merlin asks me in shock.

I can't really explain that I saw one in a movie they don't know what that is," Ah..... Well I didn't real actually see one, it was more like...." I sigh, " Forget it, I don't know how explain it, it doesn't matter anyway we just need to figure out how to defeat it."


I, Merlin and Gwen were at the training grounds, Arthur is letting Lancelot have a final challenge and if he passes he can become a knight. Arthur and Lancelot were dressed in full armor.

"Well, here we are. Your final challenge. Succeed and you join the elite. Fail and your journey ends here. Lancelot, fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria..." Arthur nods his head towards the timekeeper, "Your time starts now."

Arthur and Lancelot put on their helmets and start fighting. Lancelot swings and misses Arthur, Gwen grabs onto my dress anxiously. " Oh, Sorry," She realizes what she did, and let's go of my dress. It didn't bother me and I didn't blame her she was nervous for Lancelot.

Arthur punches Lancelot. Lancelot falls back, his helmet flies off. . Arthur puts his sword in the ground, removes his helmet and goes to remove Lancelot's flag.

" Shame." Arthur shook his head disappointed. But then, Lancelot gets up, knocks Arthur off his feet and puts him at sword point.

"Do you submit, Sire?" The guards restrain Lancelot and Arthur get's up angrily and grabs his sword.

"On your knees!" Arthur ordered and the guards force Lancelot to his knees, Arthur puts a sword to his chest.


"Arise, Sir Lancelot, Knight of Camelot." Uther said and tapped Lancelot on each shoulder with a sword. Everyone applauded, Lancelot really deserved this.

"Who is this man? He seems to have come out of nowhere." Morgana tells me and Gwen.

"I know. It's been a bit of a surprise to all of us." Gwen smirks.

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