Chapter 23

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Happy New Year!!!


I sighed as I got off the phone. The sound of satisfaction. Soon enough, I was going to remind David of who really runs this town because it sure as shit isn't him. I got up and waited for the guys arrival.

They honestly were the best advisors I could ever ask for, the best people I could ever ask for. Was I going to let them know that? Hell no.

I went over to the window to look at Santo's house. He hasn't been back there in 4 days. He was next on my list. He was the last and final piece. His ass was going to be in the ground next to that fucking traitor I called family. Maybe I needed to do a reminder to my entire fleet of men what would happen if they broke code.

I cannot have inconsistencies in this family. What do I look like if I don't get a grip on everything? They were going to take me out from the inside and there'd be nothing Vinny, Giovanni and Damien could do about it.

I think a reminder was definitely in order.

For now, I was going to remain cool, calm and collected. I wasn't going to look like I was on a mission to do anything, at least as I walked throughout the house. My staff and men aren't used to seeing me out and about. I usually remain in my office 24/7.

I first went to the kitchen, which was busy with cooks and maids. I observed them as they were preparing for tomorrow's breakfast, like they did every night. One of my head chefs had noticed me and turned around quickly.

"Sir, is there something we can do for you?" He said, attentively.

"Do I have to want something? I can't just walk in my own damn kitchen?" I put my hands in my pockets. He shook his head frantically.

"No, no. Of course, sir. I just wanted to make sure you're taken care of before I continued work. That is all." He smiled nervously at me. I decided not to be an ass for once. I had Jazmin's voice ringing in the back of my head.

"I appreciate that. Do not let me distract you from your work." He seemed surprised at my response, yeah me too man. He smiled at me and turned back to cutting vegetables.

I exited the kitchen and made rounds to other areas of the house. I saw men training, standing at their posts. I went to check on the garden staff and everything.

You know, maybe that was the problem. Maybe I was in my office too damn much, and not keeping an eye on things in my own damn home. After this is all over, that is going to change.

They were going to see me. They were going to know I was watching at all times and am not to be fucked with. I wanted to put the fear of the code back into their hearts just like it is in mine.

There is only one thing in this life I'm fearful of and it damn for sure isn't God.

It was the code. Omerta. The code of silence. I live, breath and die by that code everyday. I looked at the scar on my right hand. A long scar diagonal down my palm. I slit my hand and gave my blood.

And I didn't do that so I could have a bunch of traitorous fucks in my family.

"Stephen." I snapped out my rant and turned to see Damien. He gave a me a weird look. "You okay?" I shook my head.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking about a couple things is all." He patted my shoulder.

"Well good because I need you squared away to deal with this situation. I need to know your head is still in this-."

"Yes, Damien. Fuck, bring me up to speed." He chuckled and I followed him to the meeting room. There I saw Vinny and Giovanni. I nodded at them and sat down.

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