Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open as the tiny bit of sun peeked through the curtain. I was a little bit confused as to why my bed was a 1000x more comfortable. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. This definitely was not my apartment. That's because yesterday wasn't a dream! I for sure got kidnapped by idiots and now here I am in this stupid, beautiful mansion. I sighed and got up. I had officially been here overnight and I don't think I'm going home anytime soon. I have a mother and a brother. They've probably called me, wondering why I haven't called them back.

We usually talk everyday, so they're going to know something is up. They're going to go to my apartment because they have a key, and see I'm not there. I hate having them worry, I mean they should because I don't know how these next couple weeks, or even days is going to pan out. I looked around and got a sudden thought.

Should I escape?

I would definitely like to, but I don't even know how to go about doing that. I pulled back the curtains and examined the window. There was no way I could possibly open it, plus, it was a serious drop if I could even get out of the window. I shook that thought away quickly because it was never going to work.

I went into the bathroom connected to this room and it was very nice. Marble counter tops, beautiful tile floor. The shower was nice and glass, huge mirror as well. I looked at the sink and saw a toothbrush and toothpaste waiting for me. Well at least they care about my dental health.

I began to brush my teeth and then I took a nearby washcloth and used it to wash my face. I tamed my natural curly hair, it looked presentable at least. But I was still in the same clothing. In my work clothes out of all outfits. I would get kidnapped in my work clothes. I sighed and left the bathroom. I opened the door and looked around. It was a long hallway.

The floor was marble and the walls were gray with the baseboards being white. I didn't even want to walk out into the house because there were so many guys walking around. Especially after Amante had told me they don't see women to often. Who knows what they'd do it me?!

Damn it, what should I do? Where would I even go first of all?

"Good morning." My head snapped to whoever the voice was. It was the other guy who was there yesterday with them. I never got his name. He went in a completely different car than us.

"Uhh, good morning." He chuckled and came up to me with his hand ready for me to shake.

"I'm Damien." I shook his hand. He resembled Amante. They looked like they could've been brothers, but I wasn't too sure. Nor was I going to ask.

"Jazmin, but you can call me Jaz." He smirked.

"Well, Jaz, let's go down for breakfast." Breakfast did sound good, I was starving. It's the least they could do after keeping me from my lunch yesterday. I followed him down to wherever breakfast was. "How did you sleep?"

"Well, it was better than my bed at my apartment, so I slept okay, I guess."

"That's good, I'm glad to hear." We kept walking. "I'm sorry we have to keep you like this, but it is only precautionary measures." He looked back at me.

"Yeah, yeah. It'd be nice if you could let me go though." He nodded.

"We will, very soon bella." I gave him a weird look.

"My name isn't Bella." He laughed and shook his head.

"I wasn't saying your name is Bella, bella is beautiful in Italian." Oh, I guess that makes sense.

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