Chapter 9

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I've only ever been speechless a few times in my life and this was one of them. I'm just hella confused now. I never really acknowledged if I had feelings for Stephen or not. I don't know what to say honestly. Wow, this was new.

"This is fucking stupid." I was snapped out of my thoughts and saw Stephen walking back to the truck. I guess I was thinking too long. Now he thought I didn't care. Wait, I'm talking too much to myself now!

"Wait, Stephen. I'm just shocked is all." He stopped and turned around. I motioned for him to come back. He stood in front of me again. "Why are you afraid of me?" I'm pretty sure I knew why, but I wanted to hear it from him.

"I don't want to say it, Jazmin." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Stephen."


"Boy if you don't just say it." I pointed at him. "You know I already know." He glared at me.

"Then why don't you say it?"

"Because I wanna hear it from you asshole!" Man we always ended up yelling at each other. He came up to the doorstep again. Oh by the way, keep in mind, it's like 11 pm. I swear we looked at each other for five minutes. "Well?"

"Can I show you?" Oh shit.

"Uh-." Next thing I know, I felt his lips on mine and damn it was amazing. I put my hands around his neck and he deepened the kiss. It was all going well until.

"Jazmin Gabriella Winter, you snuck out to be with some boy?! I've been worried sick!" And this is why I have my own apartment everyone. This was so damn embarrassing. She was glaring at Stephen and he looked terrified.

"Mama, I'm sorry. I went out with some friends." I motioned to Stephen, "Mama this is Stephen, Stephen this is my mother." He smiled at her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." He laughed nervously. She narrowed her eyes.

"Just hurry and get to bed Jazmin." She shut the door and retreated back to her room. Yikes. I turned toward Stephen who had an amused look on his face.

"Oh don't start." He laughed a little.

"I like your mom, she seems like a nice lady." I waved him off. Before this night gets anymore dramatic let me go to bed.

"Let me hurry up and get back into the house before I get whooped." I rolled my eyes, "We will be talking about this, Stephen. You can't just kiss me and run off." He sighed and nodded.

"I know, we'll definitely talk. I put something in your purse a little earlier. Oh, and I took the gun out." Hmm, what did he put in my purse? "But uh, I'll see you later I guess. I hope you sleep well." He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I watched him walk back to the truck. Damn, why am I giddy like this?

I had known Stephen for a month now and no I did not think we'd be at this point. It's funny how things change. A couple weeks ago I hated that man.

Now I was ready to risk it all!

The next morning came as a blur a little bit. It consisted of my mother asking me millions of questions about Stephen. My brother was very confused as to who Stephen was. He was quick to get in protective brother mode, I had to bring him down a couple notches. I didn't want to say Stephen was my boyfriend because we haven't even talked about any of this. I'm not going to jump the gun.

Anyway, I didn't look in my purse last night. I had a one track mind on getting to the bed. I was tired as hell. So I went to go look in my purse and I saw a shiny iPhone. I picked it up and it was already set up. Stephen had taped the number password on the back of the phone. Later, I would change it to recognize my face. I opened it and went to my contacts.

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