Chapter 30

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I mindlessly scrolled through my phone as the razor was gliding across my head. Getting a haircut was calming, relaxing. Especially after everything going on. I know I may drink my heart away time to time to create a distraction from my problems.

But that's rare for me. I simply...get a haircut. Unfortunately, they didn't last forever. The cape was being taken off of me and then a mirror was in front of me to examine.

"Bene." (Good) I held out $400 for him to take. He bowed and accepted the payment. My barber was an older Italian man who was of few words. Just how I liked it. You get in trouble when you start gossiping to your hair stylists. Women, take notes.

I stood up and adjusted my suit. I wasn't in the happiest of moods because I had a mission to plan. Every time I had an important mission, I constantly thought about it so I can make sure everything goes smoothly.

Also, I had to call Jim. That chirpy ass realtor who showed Jazmin and I the house. You know what? I'm going to let Jazmin handle that. It's her house, she can definitely talk to Jim. I think I'd end up killing myself mid call. I couldn't take his voice.

Well that was one less thing to worry about, but I still had to meet with the guys and some of our men.

I went out of the room where the guys and I got our haircuts. We have a designated room in the house just for this. I guess you can say we took pride in our hair. It was relatively quiet in the house, until I heard Jazmin coming down the stairway. She looked to be on her way out.

"Hey," She approached me with her sunglasses on. We gave each other a quick kiss. "Oh yeah, you did get your haircut today. It looks really nice, love." She said as she lightly touched the sides of my freshly cut head.

"Thanks, amore. You off somewhere?"

"Yeah, I was just gonna go shopping." She tilted her sunglasses down, "Something wrong?"

Since we were in Italy, a lot more people knew of me and my business. They for sure know Jazmin, they're just nosey as hell.

"Well, of course you have your security detail. But I'm still concerned about you going out in Italy. You don't know Sicily that well, so if something were to happen and you had to leave your detail, you wouldn't know where to go. I'm not the only mafia around here, there are plenty others. I just don't want you out in the open." I grabbed her hands.

"I get it. You're right." She took her sunglasses off. I knew she understood, but she was still disappointed.

"There are a lot of boutiques who do same day pick up, or whatever the hell that is. You can buy as much as you want online and then I'll have your guards drive you to pick it up. How's that?" The smile came back to her face, along with the sunglasses.

"Sounds perfect, I will do that now." I grabbed my wallet and handed her my black card. "If you insist." She took it and put in her purse. "Oh how's the situation with Aria?"

"I need to talk to the guys and get a plan going. As soon as possible would be best."

"Keep me updated?" She squeezed my arm.

"Of course, amore. I don't want you to worry about it too much though. Let me handle it." I tried to reassure her.

"You know I'm going to worry, but I appreciate it." She replied. "Anything else before I go?" I thought for a moment.

"Yes, can you please give the offer to Jim. If I hear his voice again, I will simply kill myself." Jazmin rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Hey, I'm just saying. I cannot be in a conversation with him ever again. That house tour was torturous. "

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