Chapter 36

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Have a great day peeps.


I was trying to center my breathing. Sweat dripping down my face as I was tired, but I wanted to keep going. My arms aching so bad, but it felt great at the same time. This was exhilarating and I needed this right now.

I repeatedly punched the bag as I grunted out. I was putting my all into this workout. I couldn't hear anything but me punching. Rather me punch this bag than someone in the face, right?

"Stephen." I snapped out my rampage and held the bag. I was steadying my breathing. I turned around to see Aria looking at me, with a blank stare.

"Yes, Aria?" I tried not to sound annoyed, but I probably did. I was in my element and I do not like being interrupted.

"You said you were going to show me some stuff today, but here you are. Killing a fluffy bag." She said. She sounded upset. Aw, how sweet? I stepped away from the bag and took my boxing gloves off. I sat on the bench and looked at her. She had her arms crossed as she gave me a small glare. Whoa, she meant business. I patted the space next to me.

She came over and sat down, but was no longer looking at me.

"You really wanna know how this works, huh?" She nodded like it was so obvious. I chuckled at her.

"You take me for a joke?" She sounded offended. I really wanted to laugh so bad because her seriousness was funny. She was ready to be a Donna tomorrow if she had the opportunity. It's crazy because I was serious just like she was when I was her age. Especially when it came to the mafia. I couldn't wait to take over. I guess I could understand where she was coming from.

"Not at all. In fact, I'm even more pleased to teach you because of your motivation. You really wanna learn and I see that. Just be patient, okay?" She gave a huff. I know that wasn't the answer she was looking for, but that's all I had now.

"Okay." She said in a low tone as she held her head low.

"Why the long face? Your time will come, piccola tigre." (Little Tiger) I gave her an assuring look. "You have my word and my word means a lot out here, capisce?"

"Si." She replied.

I nodded and stood up from the bench. I went up to the bedroom to get freshened up. I had been working out for like 2 hours, so I definitely needed a shower. I walked in to see our bedroom empty. Jazmin must be on one of her adventures again. I picked out a black button down, black pants and some of my designer sneakers.

Yeah, that should work.

Damien had scheduled the dinner with Ma tonight a couple hours from now. I didn't know what to expect to say the least. I do think she's going to ask about Santo and I don't think she'll be prepared for the answer.

I was more interested in what she had to tell us what happened over the years. There's no telling what she went through when she was away from us. I hope her life was much better than it was when Santo was in it.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I was in the shower for quite a bit, so we were down to about an hour until she came. I went downstairs to make sure the table was set up. I made sure all the necessary arrangements were done. Damien entered the dining room and he had on a similar outfit.

"We look like fucking twins." I told him. He smiled as he examined what I was wearing.

"Nah we don't, I look wayyy better than you do." He laughed out. I lightly pushed him out the way as I went to get my phone out. Jazmin still wasn't home and she was the only way I was making it through this dinner. I decided to give her a call. It rang a couple times, then the line connected.

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