Chapter 25

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I sighed as I looked around at the absolute catastrophe. I felt the glass crumble under my feet as I walked around to observe the damage. I shook my head and took in everything that just happened. It had been now a day since the raid.

Jazmin, the guys and I stayed at one of my hotels nearby until we figured out what we wanted to do. I had to get up all the dead bodies before Jazmin came out, I knew she would be mortified. She could barely handle the damage that happened to the mansion.

My home was a complete bust. There was no fucking way I was paying to have this shit repaired. I might as well buy a complete new house. I'm talking figures like over $500,000 worth of damage. It was such a shit show, so a number like that really shouldn't surprise me.

Call me crazy, but I also see my house being completely obliterated as an opportunity. I've been trying to get Jazmin to move in with me for months. I will make her apart of my house hunt and she can ultimately pick what she likes. I hope that will give her motivation to move in with me. That definitely can work.

I let a dark chuckle escape as I looked around.

"Stephen." I looked up and saw Damien approaching me.

"Yeah?" He sighed and looked around with me.

"We identified the dead bodies of the men that raided with Santo yesterday. They were just a few hired guns, not affiliated with anyone specific." I nodded slowly.

"Hmm. This situation was put at rest yesterday. No need to potentially go and track down remaining hired guns. It's a waste of time." I pushed a piece of wood away, "In the meantime, I need to figure out what to do. I guess we'll stay in the penthouse in LA until I can find a house." Damien nodded.

"You know, maybe you should let Jazmin help you. Might be a good time to convince her to move in with you."

"I'm way ahead of you, brother. That was the same thing I thought." We laughed for a moment. A group of my men approached us with trash pick up uniforms on.

"Boss, sorry to interrupt. We have discarded the bodies with your exact directions." I nodded at them.

"Excellent, dispose of those uniforms so there is no trace." They nodded and walked away.

"The trash pick up cover was a great idea." Damien commented.

Since there were so many dead bodies in the front yard, we had to do something drastic. Normally, we don't have a problem with body removal, but I had to create a cover so that all the bodies could be taken at once and disposed of.

Thus the cover of trash pick up men, which they were also able to get ahold of a garbage truck.

It's genius.

"Yeah for sure, I wanted to get those bodies out as quick as possible. I couldn't even imagine how Jazmin would've reacted."

"Speaking of Jazmin, where is she?" I rolled my eyes.

"The hotel puts on some daily yoga session, so she went to that to "cleanse her aura". Whatever the fuck that means." Damien snickered.

Giovanni and Vinny entered and they took in more of the scene as well.

"What up, what up." Vinny said as he stood next to us.

"Not much, just figuring out what the hell to do." I said. Giovanni nodded.

"I temporarily had all of our equipment moved last night, since the house is all open. Just can't have squatters coming through here and taking shelter. Obviously, equipment will remain stored until we find a new home." Vinny explained. I looked at the three of them.

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