Chapter 16

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Whaaaat? Another update so soon? I know y'all like "this chick must be sick or something". Haha, nah just trying to prioritize.


The one and only

I nodded, satisfied. I mean, I need a baking show or something. I was decorating the cake with some poofs, twirls and swirls. You would've thought I was a celebrity baker. Don't sleep on me, I can bake a cake now. I was spinning it around, trying to make sure everything was even. Helping Jen with the bakery really helped me see how much I enjoy doing this.

Baking has always been a hobby for me, I never saw it as a life commitment. It was my dream to own a bakery, but I definitely don't have the money for it. We'll have to see though. In the mean time, I'll just enjoy this.

"Hey girl." Jen said as she walked in the kitchen.

"Hey." I smiled at her, then directed my attention back to the cake. She put her apron on and came to observe.

"Damn girl, you can decorate." She complimented.

"I know." I laughed and she lightly hit my arm. "Hey now, give the master some space." Even though I couldn't see her, I just knew that chick was rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, you didn't tell me the whole story about your man coming in a few weeks ago." I finished the last swirl and put the icing down.

"Oh yeah. I mean there was nothing to it. He said he was doing business in the area and he stumbled upon the bakery." She nodded slowly.

"I assume I'm in his territory?" Bingo.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'. "But don't worry, you will have no trouble from him or his men. I will make sure of that. If you do, you let me know and I will light his ass up!" I said as I turned on the lighter. Jen gave me the 'really' look. "Oh come on that was perfect timing." I brought the light to the creme brulee to caramelize it.

"That's good, I trust you obviously. The bakery has been only here a couple weeks and I've already seen a few guys dressed in black lurking around." I nodded.

"Some of them are fine." She said. I leaned in like Stephen was here.

"Girl, I know." I whispered with my hand up to my mouth. Hey, I wasn't gonna lie. We laughed it off and we heard the bell at the door. "Oop, I'll go, check on those cookies!" I said as I walked out the kitchen.

"K!" I heard her reply.

"Hello, how may I help you?" I said to the man at the counter. He looked up and we both looked at each other. "Dylan?"

"Jazmin, wow I haven't seen you in ages. Where have you been?" Oh yeah, he literally hasn't seen me since I got kidnapped that day. And then I got fired, so I really wasn't going back to that job.

"Let me tell you, a lot has happened since you and I last saw each other. There isn't enough time in the day." I laughed. He nodded and smiled at me.

"Well maybe we could talk over dinner?" Ooh this was not good. Not good. I know, I know, bad idea because Dylan may have a thing for me. But I did consider him a friend and it would be nice to catch up.

Stephen is so gonna kill me.

We just gonna have to keep it on the hush hush.

"That sounds good, I'd like to catch up. Tell me how bad the company is suffering ever since I left." He busted out laughing. He knew damn well that wasn't true. They're probably thriving.

"Yeah, of course. You free tonight? At 7?" I thought for a moment. I actually was. Let's just get it quick and over with.

"That's perfect, just text me the place and I'll meet you there." He nodded at me.

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