Chapter 20

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You know what to do.


Hearing that news made everything around me go numb. She had gotten picked up by the police. What in the actual fuck was going on? My dad, Jazmin, and the police? Why was she picked up? What the hell do they want?

There was so much shit running through my mind. There is no way in hell I can go to the police station, not because I'd get arrested, but it's not a good look.

"Stephen?" Vinny had snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at up him with no expression whatsoever. "Listen, I have no idea why she's there. We have to send one of our informants there or something. We can't contact Carter right now, it's too risky." I looked away from him.

"Yeah, send someone. Have them take pictures or something. I need to know what's going on there." I slammed my hand on the table. "They're going to have her under close surveillance, phones and everything. We need to drop her a phone somehow." Vinny nodded.

"I'll track where she is when she gets out the station." I stood up.

"Good." Vinny turned around to leave, but I stopped him. "Have you seen Santo?" He furrowed his eyebrows and turned toward me.

"I haven't seen him outside the house, but that's nothing new." I looked out the window to the guest house. It seemed nothing out of the ordinary. I motioned for Vinny to sit down.

"Listen, he gave me some false information." Vinny leaned in, "He said Johnson was still persisting to find more evidence, but Giovanni told me his contact at the station said that Johnson had cut and run from everything." I leaned back into my chair, waiting to see Vinny's reaction.

"What?" He said. I nodded. "He's double-crossing." I closed my eyes.

"We have to gain access to that house. Obviously I can go in there because it's my damn property, but he's up to something and he's going to be on guard. He probably has installed cameras or some shit. We need a detector." I feel like I'm missing something.

"We also need to dismiss staff for the day when we go to gain entry."

"Why?" Vinny asked.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he paid one of those fuckers under the table to keep watch on the house while they're working. Most likely to be staff working on the outside, but I just wanna be sure. Tomorrow, we will dismiss staff. I'm going to make an announcement after our conversation." I brought Vinny up to speed on the rest of this situation. It's as if this shit comes from out of nowhere.

As we were talking, Vinny stopped and gave a weird look. I raised my eyebrows at him and he put his finger on his lips, indicating for me to be quiet. I leaned to look at what he was doing and he pulled a device from his pocket. It was the device to detect cameras and microphones.

Please do not tell me.

He brought it out and started waving it around. He waved it on the side of the seat and it made a noise. Fuck!

He gave me a knowing look. He put his hand under the seat and pulled something out.

A fucking microphone.



"I know my rights!" I yelled as they shut the door on me in the interrogation room. Here I was, minding my damn business and the cops just pull up on me like I committed murder. I huffed as I looked around.

What have I got myself into?

About 20 minutes later, the door opened and I snapped my head to see who it was. It was one of the detectives.

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