Chapter 4

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Hey guys, here's another one for you. Hope you enjoy.


I was jolted awake when I felt the plane hit the runway. I got up off the couch and looked out the small window. We were definitely in Italy, I could just tell by the different building styles next to the hangar. I sighed and looked around. Giovanni, Vinny and Damien all looked at me, amused.


"You're cute when you sleep." Damien said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off." They all laughed at me. I looked around and saw Stephen walk out the bathroom. His eyes connected with mine, then we turned away from each other. After I walked in on his little escapade with the waitress.

The jet came to a stop and I was one of the first people out. My suitcase was given to me and Vinny took it from me to put it in the trunk.

"Come on." Stephen called for me to get in the car. I looked at Vinny, Giovanni, and Damien. They were getting in the truck. Well we're going to the same place. I don't want to be with big old meanie.

"No, I'm riding with them." I started walking toward the truck, but I felt a hand on my arm.

"No, you're going to get in the car with me. Stop being so fucking difficult." I snatched my arm away from him.

"Fuck you, I'm not going with you." I made my way to the truck and Damien was surprised when I opened up the backseat door. "I'm riding with you guys." They all nodded.

"Sure." Vinny said. I got in the truck and shut the door. I looked out the window to see a pissed Stephen. He finally got back in the car and we followed after it.

We soon arrived at this beautiful 5 star hotel. I mean, it was so fancy. I never thought I'd be able to stay at one of these.

"This is so beautiful." I said out loud.

"Yeah, Stephen owns it." Of course he did, what doesn't that man own? We got out the truck and Stephen got out the car. The first thing he looked at was me. Damien got my suitcase for me and gave it to the bell boy. They were bringing our things up to the top floor. Penthouse level I guess.

"We're gonna go check on the deal, Stephen." Giovanni said, noooo don't leave me with him. Stephen nodded at them. "See you later, Jaz."I waved bye to them. I brought my attention to Stephen who dragged me along with him.

"Hey, you don't have to be so rough." I knew he was still pissed about me not listening to him. I saw a few guys follow us, I assume they worked for Stephen. We got on the elevator and went up to the top floor. It wasn't one big penthouse, there were multiple. 3 of them to be exact. One was bigger than the other two, I presume. "Let my damn arm go, Stephen."

"You're staying in my penthouse." Hell no.

"No the hell I'm not, I'm staying with Vinny."

"No the fuck you're not! You're gonna shut the fuck up and listen to what I said! You. Are. Staying. With. Me." I don't get it.

"You can't stand me, Stephen. Why the hell would you want me to stay for 5 days?"

"Because I don't trust your ass! Now, get inside." He pointed at the door. Who does he think he's ordering around?

"Fuck you, Stephen. You don't tell me what to do." I didn't want to be around that asshole. I was going to go and explore the hotel. Fuck him. I was making my way to the elevator and I heard a click. I know he didn't just-.

I turned around and I was staring at the barrel of his gun.

"You always push me, Jaz. Get in the fucking room." I know he was ruthless and a rude asshole, but I honestly never thought he would hold a gun up to my face. I thought we were passed the threatening and shit like that.

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