Chapter 6

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My mind had been fuzzy ever since what happened a couple nights ago. It was until I had been up for a few hours, the morning after when I realized what happened the previous night. When I had walked out my room and saw him. He looked at me and didn't say a word. He just left the penthouse.

Now, we were back at the mansion and it was completely awkward. I didn't even want to leave my room, but I'm pretty sure the guys would think something is up. I know they probably already do. That plane ride back, Giovanni, Vinny and Damien looked at us both confused. So they definitely knew something was wrong.

At the current moment, I was in the kitchen. I was talking to some of the maids who were hesitant to speak, like they were afraid. I guess Stephen wasn't the best boss. They eventually got somewhat comfortable with me enough to make small talk. I was really doing this just to avoid him, but they were nice to talk to as well.

"Alright, well I hope you guys have a good rest of your day." I said as I waved at them. I went to leave the kitchen and I bumped into someone. It was Vinny. "Oh, hey, Vinny." He smiled.

"Sup, Jaz. You talking to the maids?" I nodded.

"Yeah, they're cool." He shook his head.

"Always so friendly."

"Yeah, Vinny. It's okay not to be an asshole." He decided to walk with me outside to the gardens. The gardens were huge, I guess Stephen had some appreciation for nature. We walked down the pathways that led to different parts, but I spotted a house.

It was a really nice house, probably a three bed, two bath. I pointed at it.

"Vinny, what's that?" I furrowed my eyebrows. He looked to where I was pointing and his face fell. Wonder why that is?

"Oh, that? Nothing important, just another guest house." I nodded. I felt there was more to the story though.

"You can tell me, Vinny. I understand if it's personal though." He sighed.

"Well, it kind of is, but I don't think it's a huge deal." He shrugged. "It's Stephen's dad's house." I raised my eyebrows.

"He lives on this property?" I am surprised he hadn't come out or anything during the three weeks I've been here. You would've thought we crossed paths.

"Yep, he does."

"Does Stephen keep him chained up in there? He hasn't even come to the main house in three weeks." Vinny laughed and shook his head.

"Surprisingly no, he doesn't keep him chained in there, but his dad likes to keep to himself." A loner like me. I feel it. I mean I wouldn't visit my son often either if they were like Stephen.

"Interesting, I-."

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" We were cut off by a voice I didn't recognize. I looked at who it was and it was a man looking to be in his early 60s. He had complete gray hair, a light gray suit with very expensive Italian shoes.

"Santo, I didn't expect you to come out here." Vinny looked at him. Santo smiled and looked up at the sky.

"Well, I looked out the window and it was a fairly nice day. Plus, I saw this beautiful woman out here and had to know why she is in a filthy place like this." Santo held his hand out to me. "Santo Amante, sweetheart." Man, what was it with Italian men and the word sweetheart?

"Jazmin Winter." I gave him my hand and he kissed it. His stubble tickling my hand.

"What a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman." Vinny put his hand over my shoulder.

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