Chapter 41

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Don't forget to drink water :)


I've been sitting in the car for god knows how long. James has been in the car parts store for like 30 minutes. The least he could've done was put the windows down for me, but no. Here I was, drowning in sweat on this hot day.

I looked at my watch for the upteenth time. I should've just gone in with him, but I really didn't feel like it. I was in desperate need for a nap. Besides, James would've just bore me to death with all this car part talk. I don't need to hear all that.

"If he doesn't come in the next five minutes..." I said with a annoyed tone. I looked out the back window to see him jogging lightly to the car. Yeah, hurry the hell up. He unlocked the doors and got in on the driver's side.

"Hey sis!" He said with an amusing smile. I gave him a death glare in return.

"What were you doing, buying every single part?" I asked.

"Nah, I was beyond indecisive. I had to make sure I got the best of the best for my baby." He was referencing the car he was re-conditioning.

"Mhm, well next time I know never to come to a car parts place with you ever again." I scoffed. He let out a light laugh and started the car.

I decided to spend most of the day with my brother. We haven't been out together in ages, so I figured this was the day to do it. He also works 25/8, so we took a chance as soon as we saw one.

"You wanna grab something to eat?" He asked as he glanced from me to the road. I could always eat.

"Yeah, where you wanna go?"

He tilted his head from side to side with a shrug.

"Eh, I dunno, maybe a diner or some shit? I can't afford 5 star restaurants like you." He said teasingly.

"Umm, I can't afford those either sir."

"Your man can, the only person he's going to them with is you...we can only hope." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't make him take me to those places anyway. I am perfectly content with eating at a diner, thank you very much. Just because I so happen to be with someone who is wealthy, doesn't mean I'm too good for things." I told him.

"Mhm." He said, unconvinced. I flicked him on the back of his head with a smirk on my face. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For not believing me."

He let out a scoff and we continued to drive to the nearest diner. We pulled up to one we always went to as kids. It was really good if you ask me. Mama always brought us here when we did good in school.

We got out of the car and went inside. It was a seat yourself place, so we always picked the same booth. I don't know, there was something about it. We've been sitting in the same spot since we started coming here.

As we made our way to the table, we nodded at the waitress behind the bar who gave us a friendly smile. We sat down in the booth and picked up the menus behind the napkins.

"Hmm, what do I wanna eat?" James questioned as he looked at the menu. I shook my head, this man acts like he doesn't get the same thing he always gets when we come here.

"James, you get the same thing every time. Don't act like you're trying something different." I chuckled at him. He shook his head.

"Whatever, hater." He mumbled as he still scanned over the menu. How was I hater? He literally gets the same shit all the time.

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