Chapter 24

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New Year, New Cover!

And I was going to say T+T reached 10k, but now I see we are at 11k! Thank you guys so much! It truly is greatly appreciated.


"So I was thinking we hit up the club-." Vinny started.

"Um, do you not know the situation we are in right now?" I gave him a pointed look. I continued eating my fettuccini.

"I am well aware, but we have the final piece to the puzzle. We're almost there so let's take a load off." He excitedly said. I scoffed.

"Alright, Vinny," I sat back with my hands laced together, "Let's go to the club, take a load off. Drink a bunch of liquor and smoke so many cigars. Santo comes and shoots up the club and we're too fucking drunk and high to even do something. Then what?" I looked over at him. He started eating his food slowly.

"Well, when you put it like that..." He grumbled. I nodded at him and started eating my food again.

"I have to put it like that. Our actions have consequences-"

"I know that, Stephen."

"So act like it." I gritted out. He narrowed his eyes at me. He threw his napkin down and stood up at the table. We watched each other for a moment and then he walked out. Giovanni walked in right after him, he looked back toward Vinny, then me.

"What the hell happened?" Giovanni sat down next to me.

"He was being an idiot is what happened." I said as I wiped my mouth. Giovanni chuckled.

"Well that's nothing new."

"He wanted to put our lives in danger to go to the fucking club so he could get drunk out of his mind." I shook my head, "He's thinking reckless at the worst time ever. I wanted him to get his head out of his ass." I exclaimed.

"I think he's just tired, Stephen. That's all. He wasn't even thinking far into it because he would never want to do anything to put us in danger." Giovanni shrugged, "He stays up all night overseeing operations and trying to invent some tech to help us in the future. His mind is there."

"We'll see about that." I stood up and my maids came to retrieve the plates off the table. "Anyway, I'm going to pick up Jazmin and bring her back to the mansion to ensure her safety."

"Oof, she's not going to like that." He laughed.

"She'll deal. I'm just looking out for my woman is all." I threw my hands up, "Is that so bad?" Giovanni shook his head.

"Not at all, Fratello." I nodded and mouthed 'thank you'.

I went up to my quarters to change my clothes. Hmm do I want to wear a suit or do I want to be casual today? I finally settled on a black designer sweater, black jeans and my red Jordan 1s. To top it all off, I put on my diamond chain. There we go.

I headed back down to the entrance and I saw Vinny obviously trying to avoid me. I stood in front of him.

"I know you don't have an attitude right now?" I crossed my arms.

"And if I did?" He retorted back to me. We did a little stare down with each other. "I'm a grown man, the same as you."

"I know."

"So I will be whatever the hell I wanna be." He went to walk passed me, but I grabbed his arm. I turned my head toward him as he was still staring forward.

"I need you on point more than ever now. If I can't count on you to have my back with Santo." I shook my head, "You may as well walk out that door right now and hope not to get shot." He turned back to look at me.

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