Chapter 40

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Sheesh, 40 chapters.


I was sitting on the couch watching some boring ass movie Jazmin picked out. It was so dramatic, but she's a sucker for romance films.

"Aww, that's sweet." She commented with a smile on her face. I was definitely not impressed. It was always the same cliche romance movie. Different settings, same idiots.

I looked over to Aria who was fast asleep against my shoulder. She went to sleep the longest ago. I was right with her. If I wasn't working tonight, I would be gone.

"Jazmin, you really are into this aren't you?" She nodded eagerly.

"It's a great movie." I nodded slowly at her as I turned my attention back towards the film.

I looked at my watch to make sure I would leave on time to deal with Isabella's dumbass husband. I was going to propose to Jazmin today, but unfortunately that would have to wait a day or two. I was trying to earlier in the day, but we were occupied so there wasn't a good time.

I heard my phone make a noise, indicating I had a notification. I looked to see Giovanni had texted me.

'We are ready when you are.' Excellent. I sent him a quick text back then put my phone away. I looked toward Jazmin, who was fully immersed in the movie.

"Amore, I've got to go now." I told her as I kissed her forehead. She waved me off.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to see what happens!" She whispered aggressively. I'm pretty sure this woman has seen this movie at least 10 times. I shook my head and looked towards Aria. I gently removed her from my shoulder. I put a pillow down, so I could rest her head on that.

I adjusted my suit as I got into the truck with the guys. They were all ready to go.

"Alright, let's go." Vinny told the driver, who was also one of my muscle. He was going to assist us in getting Jacob.

We made our way to the factory he worked at. He wasn't going to know what hit him.

"I can't wait to bust his face in." Vinny said. "He better be the dealer and if he ain't, he's gonna tell us who it is."

"I think he will find himself being more than corporative if he knows what's good for him." Giovanni replied.

"What do you think Isabella is gonna think, Stephen?" Damien asked, worry evident in his voice. I shrugged.

"She'll probably be pissed, but we're handling business. He crossed a boundary he shouldn't have." I said calmly. "She'll get over it."

We were still a good 25 minutes out from where we were heading. This was on the outskirts of the city, so it was a bit of a long drive. I looked to my right to see Vinny polishing his gun. I chuckled to myself, this man stays ready.

"How are we going to confront him?" Giovanni asked as he looked out the window.

"He'll be coming out the southside of the building. The southside of the building is the parking lot entrance. The recon team said there were no cameras present on that side. Anyone sees? We deal with them accordingly. We'll get him as soon as he goes into the car, it's pretty dark over there. We're not gonna take him anywhere, everything will be done in that parking lot." I gave the rundown.

"You sure you don't wanna call a van? What if we can't get him to talk and need to rough him around more?" Vinny said. "Man seems like a tough nut to crack. Especially if he's doped up on that shit."

"I think we'll be able to get it out of him in an adequate time." I told him.

"I don't think we should underestimate him, Stephen. For our safety, I'm calling two snipers at one of the nearby outposts. I'll position them out of sight." Vinny looked back at me, "Shoot to kill?" I thought for a moment. If he were to try something stupid, it would be a no brainer for me to say kill him, but Isabella.

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