Chapter 43

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Let's go.


"Yes, Ma." I said for like the 20th time. I currently was on the phone with my mother. She had been questioning me about why Isabella had been acting weird. I told her I may or may not have had something to do with it. She'd find out eventually, Isabella would surely rat me out to her.

"Just be on the lookout for a call from her or something, she was really upset the other day. She wouldn't even talk to me." Ma told me. Isabella really needed to get over that. I regret nothing I did on that day.

"Yes, I will be on the lookout. Is there anything else you needed from me?" I was silently praying she would say no. I've been on the phone with her for like over an hour, I had shit to do. The line was silent for a moment, until she spoke up.

"No, I guess that's it. I'll talk to you soon, Stephen. Ti amo."

"Ti amo, Ma." I hung up the phone with a hefty sigh. Alright, back to boring ass paperwork. You see the mafia in movies are all driveby's, shootouts and all this crazy action. In real life, that is not the case. I sit here and do more work than I go and bust up somebody. That's only on special occasions. I had to enjoy those moments when I could.

I looked at the latest shipment I sold overseas to see I had made five million dollars in profit. That is probably the highlight of my day.

A sudden five knocks were heard at my door. That had to be Aria. She found out all of the guys had a three knock signal and she wanted one for herself. So I told her she could have the five knock signal and she was satisfied.

"Come in." I said. The door creaked open to reveal her and she quickly came to sit in front of the desk. She looked a little displeased. I guess I will just stop work for the day because suddenly I'm the most interesting person to talk to. I put down some files and interlaced my hands.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I started.

"So you and Jazmin got in engaged..." I nodded. "I'm just a little offended I wasn't asked to go ring shopping with you. Out of all people you could've taken, you took Vinny?!" She said perplexed. "I mean, come on."

Looking back on it, she did have a point.

"Look, at the time...I thought Vinny was the best choice. Looking back on it, yeah I would've probably taken you. You were at school or something and it was an in the moment type deal. My apologies." I told her.

"That's okay, you can make it up to me by listening to my proposition." She said with a smirk on her face. Here we go. "I may or may not have overheard your meetings..."

"Aria, what did I tell you about eavesdropping on my business meetings?" I shook my head. She knew that was a no go, but she was hard headed. Especially when it came to the mafia business, she's been exposed to too much to not turn a blind eye.

"Look, I know. You don't like it. Although, you said you were going to train me to be head of a mafia one day. Didn't your dad start training you at a young age?" She asked.

"Yes he did, when I was way too young." I sighed, "But I would agree you are a good age to start training. Clearly, I'm sure you know a lot of what's going on already so I will let you sit in on a few of my meetings. I will determine which ones those are, okay?" I told her firmly. She shrugged with a nod.

"It's better than nothing." This girl. "I also had a very important question to ask you, but I'm not sure how you would feel about this." I leaned back and crossed my arms in anticipation. I never knew what was to come out of Aria's mouth, so this should be good.

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