Chapter 28

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My eyes fluttered open as I sat up in the bed. I looked at my phone and it was 9 in the morning. I stretched and looked to my right to see if Stephen was in bed, he was not. This was not a surprise. He usually wakes up around 6 and does mafia things.

I got up and began to get ready for the day. It was the day of the ball and I'm not sure what that entailed. I did my regular routine and then went downstairs to see if I could find one of the guys, or Stephen. Whoever I ran into first.

I looked around and saw some of the men walking around the house. It was real quiet, too quiet.

"You fucking idiot!"

I spoke too soon. I whipped my head in the direction of the yelling. I think it was Vinny's voice. I started to walk further to the noise and it was coming from the basement.

"Damn, I said sorry!" I heard Giovanni yell. I walked down to the basement and it was absolutely massive. Stephen gave me a tour, but he didn't take me down here.

The scene before me, Vinny standing next to his suit and Giovanni trying not to laugh with his hands up. I looked at Vinny's suit and it appeared to be ruined. Uh oh.

"I should shoot your ass right between the eyes." Vinny hissed, he was infuriated. Giovanni smiled at him.

"Listen, I'm sure Ross can fix it up for you just in time before the ball. Cool your jets, buddy."  He tried to reason with him. Vinny wasn't having it though, just by his body language, you could tell he was pissed.

"You know what? I'm sure he can, but he shouldn't have to! You're just a dumbass who doesn't pay attention to what he's doing. How about you go do some fucking arts and crafts away from my suit!" He snatched the suit off the mannequin turned to walk passed me. His eyes softened a moment when they landed on me.

"Jazmin." He said unsteadily. I watched him march up the stairs and slam the door. I turned to Giovanni and he had a blank expression.

"You think he's mad at me?" Giovanni joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Giovanni, he really likes that suit. He has every reason to be upset." I told him. Giovanni waved me off and poured a drink.

"He'll get over it. We've fell out about worse things." He motioned to the bottle, asking me if I wanted a drink. I shook my head.

"Going after the same girl?" He smiled and pointed at me. He took a drink before continuing.

"Yes! That's exactly it! Man was he pissed when he found out when I was pursing her too." He leaned back on the bar and looked up in thought. "This was back in high school, of course. Long story short, we liked the same girl. Both didn't know until we had both taken her out on a date." He shrugged, "Neither of us ended up going out with her, that was that."

"What a compelling tale." I said.

"You know what the killer is though?" I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. "Stephen knew the whole time and did say not one word. He thought it was hilarious." Sounds like something he'd do honestly.

"You guys are a trip." I smiled. He motioned to me.

"How about you?" He sipped his drink, "How were you in high school?" Wow, this is bringing me back. I guess it wasn't all that long ago.

"I was a studious girl. I did have a couple boyfriends, though..." I trailed off.

"Were they in the mafia too?" He joked.

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