[Coding Club] Pope

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I was walking to coding club with my friend Amber and as we opened the door, 3 boys were in there.

"The one with the brown hair is cute." Amber whispered to me, I followed her gaze and she wasn't wrong but he didn't catch my eye.

"Wait. Pope. You said that this room was empty the whole night." By the sounds of it the idotic blonde said.

"Well it's not use your eyes JJ. It's the robotics club there's only 5 of us." The other guy said.

"Hey, can you stop pretending we're not here and tell us what you idiots are doing?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Do we tell them?" The brunette asked.

"Do you know anything about coding? I mean of course you do I see you every week at coding club - I'm Pope by the way." He walked over to me and held out his hand.

"Y/n, I know a bit,"

Me and Amber followed Pope to the other idiots and they pulled up a coding screen and failed massively.

"Oh move out the way idiots!" I pushed the blondie out of the chair and begin coding.

"Why didn't you login obviously using a fake one then act and hack as if you owned that account." I said in a duh voice.

"Uh geez why didn't we think of that?"

"Shut up blondie not my thought you're dumb."

I was there for about a minute then the fake account opened.

"Pope are you meant to he the smart one out of these idiots?" I asked turning around and looking at him, but all he did in return was go red and look at the ground.

"Anyways... Who you hacking?" Amber finally asked as she stopped flirting with the brunette.

"Oh John B's girlfriend." Blondie said which me and Pope laughed at, John B gave him a dead look then Amber walked away from him.

"Lmao okay. Why?" All the boys rose there eyebrows clearly trying to come up with a good reason.

"I'm joking I know why you're doing it." I said casually, while covering my coding ask by putting in a fake location on the island.

"Wait what do you think we're doing it for?" Pope asked sitting next to me, I smiled at him and  turned to look at him.

"By the looks of it everyone here is a pouge so you're hacking into..." I looked at the screen 'Ward Cameron'

"Sarah Cameron's family bank account to see how poor we all our."

I made everyone laugh at my comment even Pope which I'm guessing by the looks of the guys was hard.

"No, not that. But something along those lines. And how did you learn how to hack like that?" Pope asked looking at the computer.

"My dad was a hacker trying to get some money for our bills and I just picked up a thing or two."

"You're good at it."


"Okay love birds stop talking codes and all that. Y/n, can you help us or not?" I looked over at blondie.

"What's in it for me blonde?" He got a bit weird and a shocked face was pulled when I said blondie.

"Wait you don't know my name?" He suddenly came over and put his hands on my chair.

"No I don't that's why I could you blondie." I saw him smirk and turn towards John B and blondie went red.

"We're trying to see who has the most money on the island, and I think the Cameron's sit 2nd on the list so far out of 6." Pope said finally answering my question.

"That's pretty cool. But I know you're lying so I'm not going to question it. Come on Amb - " I stood up and grabbed my bag and turned to find her but she was gone.

"Where did amber go?"

"Uh she went with John B probably to make out. But I'm JJ so stop calling me blondie." I smiled then looked over at him.

"Pope I'll see you here next week? And maybe tomorrow at the wreck for a date?" I went red at the last bit and so did he.

"Okay, yeah I'll meet you there at 5?"

"Okay." I walked passed him and kissed him on the cheek and just as I was about to leave I looked over at blondie.

"I'll see you later blondie."

I heard him scream and kick a chair and Pope say.

"She's definitely going to be the best."

"No she won't she keeps making fun of me!"

"Exactly my point."

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