[They Love You] Pope

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~ Popes P.O.V ~

"By the way my girlfriend y/n's coming for dinner." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"What the girl that you don't stop talking about. That you're in love with." My mum teased me.

"Yes. But she doesn't know I love her just yet, so don't tell her."

"We won't say anything will we HEYWARD!!"

"I can't make any promises!" My dad shouted back.

"He won't. Now what time is she coming round? And what would she like for dinner?"

"Uh about now and anything she's not really fussy." Then there was a knock on the door. "There she is now."

I ran to the door before my dad could open it and she was standing there with one of my tops on, her favourite denim shorts and the trainer's we painted together.

~ Your P.O.V ~

"Here it is." I said to my mum as we pulled up outside of Pope's house.

"Wow big step meeting his parents. You sure about this? Never seen you this serious in a relationship." My mum teased me.

"That's not true. I've meat y/bff/n parents."

"So? She's your best friend you've got to meet your best friends parents."

"That's not the point. And I'll walk home bye," I said as I got out of the car and walked to pope's front porch.

I knocked on the door and I've never seen someone answer a door so quickly. "Hey,"

"Y/n! Come on in!" Pope said to energetically.

"Okay." I walked into the house and into the front room where his dad was. "Hey Heyward!"

"Y/n! We've heard so much about you. Come in, come in."

I sat down on the sofa and Pope quickly sat next to me. "So, what do you do?"

Heyward started asking me questions about mine and pope's relationship and we laughed along the way until dinner was ready.

"Heyward stop interrogating her! Come on dinners ready!"


The whole night Heyward and his mum (lmao I don't know his mum's name) was talking to me and getting to know me but I could tell that they liked us two being together.

"Thanks for having me tonight!" I smiled walking to the passage.

"You're welcome! And anytime you want we're always here."

I nodded my head and started walking towards the door. "So, my parents really liked you."

"I'm glad they did, because that means we can hang round yours and not just mine."

"True." Pope laughed. "You walking home?"

"Yeah. I need to think about tonight and how much I love you." I said slipping in a 'I love you' in there.

"Well I love you too." Pope said hearing the little 'slip up.'

"Oh thank god. If you heard that and didn't say it back I would've died." I laughed.

"I would've said it back anyways."

(A/n holy shit I'm alive. ANYWAYS!!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE SEASON 2 PICKS AND EPISODES NAMES!!! I knows it's a couple weeks late but still!!! It's gonna be amazing!!!!)

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