Chapter 37

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Makoto could feel her freedom being snatched away from her once she stepped foot behind the walls once more. Mikasa had placed handcuffs around her wrist to insure that she didn't try anything funny. Makoto's eyes glanced around as she observed the bustling town. Everyone around her was chatting happily and laughing. It made her ears flatten back and a low growl rise from her throat. 

'Look at these people. Not a goddamn care in the world.'

The walk to Erwin's office was awkward for most of it. Armin attempted to speak with Makoto to brighten her mood, but the girl was not having any of it. Refusing to speak or even look at the blond boy. Her mind was focused on Annie's safety and her anger towards these four. 

When they finally arrived, the group was greeted by Erwin, Levi, Hanji, Petra, Mike, and Nanaba. At the sight of the white-haired girl, Nanaba's posture straightened and Petra's eyes sparkled with relief. Even Hanji's facial expression relaxed slightly. 

"Makoto," Erwin's stern voice ringed through his office as Eren closed the door behind them. Makoto had to hold back from her upper lip from curling to show her sharp canine fangs. She swallowed down her hostile growl as she kept her eyes on the older man. 

"Where's the other girl?" Erwin asked, looking away from her and to the other four. Eren and Armin shifted awkwardly as Kyouko let out a soft scoff. 

"She's dead commander. We found her in another area of the forest far from Makoto." Mikasa spoke up. Makoto glanced over at the other girl, surprised that she kept their promise.

Erwin narrowed his eyes for a second before turning away with a sigh. "Very well. It doesn't matter, we have Makoto so that's what matters."

This drew a scoff from the hybrid as she rolled her eyes. "What are you gonna do? Put me back into the cage and torture me? Do your fucking worst." Makoto spatted as her eyes burned with hatred. The three older women in the room were taken back by how hostile Makoto has grown. They couldn't understand why she was behaving like this.

"Of course not. We'll continue to have you train along with Eren. But what you did is not going to go unpunished." Erwin stated as he walked over to her with his hands behind his back. As he walked closer, Makoto couldn't hold back and her upper lip curled into a deep growl. 

"Take a step closer and I'll break these cuffs just to rip your throat out," Makoto threatened, feeling her lip almost twitch upwards in a sadistic smirk. This statement caused everyone in the room to be shocked. They stared at Makoto with surprise and horror.

Erwin's cold eyes stared into Makoto's dark gray ones.

"Very well. If you want to act like a hostile mutt, you'll be treated like one." Erwin said as he reached to grip Makoto's hair roughly and tugged on it to pull her closer. "You will learn your place again here. Every dog can be broken down to obey."

Makoto can feel her teeth grind together as she felt her hatred for everyone in the room grow. She can feel everyone's eyes on her, just standing and watching like helpless prey. Even her own sister. 

Makoto was truly alone again.

"Put her in the cell. No food or water for 2 days." Erwin said as he pushed Makoto away and released his grip on her hair.

Makoto moved her gaze toward the others. Levi and Mike watched expressionless. Mikasa had looked away once Erwin released her. Everyone else watched with a powerless look in their eyes. 

Erwin turned his back toward her, walking toward a window. "Take her away. Oh, and put a muzzle on that thing." 

Mike grabbed an iron muzzle from Erwin's desk and moved toward Makoto. Her eyes immediately turned green as she lunged forward to snap at Mike. She felt herself being held back by Levi, Eren, Armin. 

Despite Armin's attempts to calm her down, her anger continuously grew. Mike latched the muzzle onto Makoto's head, causing her to lash her head around like a wild dog being restricted down by her capturers. 

"This isn't fucking over!" Makoto snarled loudly, her eyes burning neon green as they bored into the back of Erwin's head.

"Oh, don't you know? It is over." Erwin stated, a light chuckle at the end of his sentence. 

Her eyes never left the man as back up eventually came and dragged Makoto out of the room. 

Just as the office door shut in her face, the last thing she heard was,

"Welcome back, you rogue mutt."

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