Chapter 5

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Makoto wakes up early in the morning to meet Keith on the training field. As she yawns and approach Keith, she spots a woman she has never seen before. I yawned as I made my way towards Keith and a woman I've never seen before. "Who's this chick?" She asks, pointing to the woman. "You'll address her as Commander Hanji!" Keith shouts, causing Makoto to groan and pinch the bridge of her nose. "Look man. Stop shouting and brush your teeth. It stinks." Makoto says, not thinking about what she's saying. Keith was about to shout again before Hanji stops him, "Keith, leave the girl to me." 

Keith growls and storms away angrily. "You know, it's rude to tell someone their breath stinks," She says. "Well you know it's rude to wake up someone before the sun rises." Makoto snap and glare at Hanji. She chuckles and pats me on the back, "I guess you're right. You're not as bad as Keith said. You're funny at least." 

"Woah, a commander who doesn't have a stick up their ass?" Makoto says, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. 

"Oh come on! Don't be like that! A lot of us can be fun!" Hanji says and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Come! We have lots to do before someone else takes you!" She says and marches off. 

"Wait, excuse me?" Makoto says and went after her, "What do you mean by taking me?!" 

"Oh, you don't know? You're gonna help a bunch of other people as your punishment. Isn't that great?" She says. 

"What? No. No way." Makoto say irritated and glares at her. 

"Well, it was either that or stick with Keith. Which one?" She asks with her arms crossed. Makoto grumbles under her breath, "Fair point."

She flashes Makoto a grin and drags her along. They reach her office where papers and maps are scattered everywhere. "Don't step on the maps!" Hanji warns as Makoto looks around the mess and carefully follows her.

"Soo... How am I supposed to help you?" She asks confused. 

"Help me organise the papers and clean up the office please!" She says. 

"What?! That's gonna take forever!" Makoto complains. 

"Well, it's your fault for pulling the prank." She replies. 

"Fine. I'll clean your stupid office and organise the papers."Makoto sighs and look away annoyed. 

"Thanks! If you need me, I'll be in my lab which is several doors down the left." She says and closes the door, leaving Makoto in her messy office. 


It took forever but Makoto was finally done. She collapses on the chair from exhaustion. All the maps arenow neatly rolled up and piled on the desk. The papers were stacked and organised. The room was spotless now and everything thing was neatly placed.

"Kyouko, you owe me so fucking much," She sighs to herself and gets up from the chair. "Might as well tell her I'm done," she says and goes to find Hanji. She reaches Hanji's lab and knocks on the door and the next thing she knew, she can hear glass breaking inside. "Coming!" Hanji's voice calls out from behind the door. 

The door swings open to see Hanji grinning up at me. "Perfect timing! Come in!" She says and takes my hand then pulls me in. The lab has test tubes, papers, and other materials scattered everywhere.

"Uh... Is that a dead cat?" Makoto asks as she points to a cat's body that was on an operating table. 

"Oh, yeah that! Since titan's don't last long enough to perform an autopsy and Erwin won't let me test on any humans. I thought I use the next best thing!" She says. 

"How is a cat supposed to help you?" Makoto asks confused and bewildered by this woman. 

Hanji shrugs and gives her a grin, "So what are you doing here?"

"I'm finished cleaning your office," Makoto replies.

"Good! Thanks a lot. I've been refusing to go in there since it's so messy." She grins. 

"Then why don't you clean it yourself?" she says, holding back an irritated growl in which Hanji simply shrugs and continues her autopsy on the animal. 

"The next person who's gonna need your help will be coming soon by the way so wait outside," Hanji says without looking up.

Makoto walks out of the room and closes the door behind her. "This day keeps getting worse and worse."

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