Chapter 39

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Once the two days had pasted, Makoto was put on trial for assisting in Annie's escape and for the lives lost that day. Although the court found her not guilty of the deaths that occurred, they found her responsible for helping with the escape.

She was to put under house arrest for a month and to be always under a commander's supervision for 6 months. 

As Makoto was escorted out of the courtroom, she could feel the glares on her back and hear the hateful whispers of the people around her. She bit the side of her cheek to prevent herself from lashing out, she bit so hard that she started to taste blood.

Makoto was to put into a cabin by herself, away from the other Scouts for their safety. That was the only grateful thing she can find after being forced back. At least she was away from others and no one could bother her. 

A long time has passed since Makoto's return, two years precisely. Makoto, now the age of 19, never lost her feelings for Annie. Every night, she would sit by the window and stare at the stars, hoping for safety of the blonde girl. 

There has been multiple times she tried to leave to see Annie but she was always caught. Eyes were always on her, the only time she wasn't watched was when she was inside her cabin.

Ever since her return, Makoto has been colder than ever. Some can say even meaner. She would bare her canine fangs and growl at people who bump into her. Spat at anyone who looked at her wrong. Refused to obey any commander's orders, even Levi's or Erwin's. During training, she had no mercy for poor Eren. She would always leave Eren with new bruises and cuts. 

She simply hated everyone who tore away her chance of happiness. That included Eren, Armin, Mikasa, the commanders, the captains, the officers, squad members, and even her own sister.

Makoto tried to convince herself to forgive Kyouko but she couldn't find it in her. Whenever she looked at the younger hybrid, anger and annoyance rose inside of her. She just couldn't forgive her. 

These two years would have been a living hell if it wasn't for a saving grace. Ymir had kept her promise and stayed by her side. She hated to see Makoto suffer alone. 

While Makoto was cold to her at first, she remembered the moment they shared back when she was in a cell. Ever since then, she's allowed the tall brunette to get close to her. It wasn't long until Ymir told Makoto her secret about being a titan. It surprised Makoto at first but at that moment, she realized the trust they had between them was something else. Ymir wouldn't have told that to anyone, not even Historia knew.

Makoto's trust in Ymir only grew from then on. She even allowed Ymir in her cabin to rest when her cabinmates were too lousy. While Makoto was merciless during training, she would often go softer on Ymir, not wanting to hurt the brunette too much despite Ymir's protests of 'give me all you got'. 

There were several times they ended up cuddling in the same bed. This occurred when Makoto had nightmares from her days of being an experiment or a nightmare of something bad happening to Annie, Ymir, or herself. Makoto would wake up gasping for air, clenching her blankets while her eyes flicker green wildly. Ymir would wake up from the sound and rush over to comfort her. The warmth and scent of the woman would calm her down and allow her to fall into a dreamless sleep. Not wanting to wake her up, Ymir would continue to hold her until she fell asleep as well.

Around the age of 18,  Ymir tried to rekindle the friendship between Makoto and Historia. Makoto disliked the idea, being friends with someone who aided in the attempt of Annie's capture. Her refusal didn't last very long after she saw Historia's sad puppy eyes. 

Historia began to tag along with the two, happily walking by their side. Others would note how weird the trio was. They had Historia who basically resembled a puppy, Ymir who appeared imitating, and Makoto who full on looked like she was going to rip your guts out with her bare hands.

People were shocked to see how fast Historia got along with Makoto. Something about the smaller blonde made Makoto melt a little. 

There was even a time Historia made Makoto lean down a bit so she could cup her cheeks and clean the dirt from her forehead. People thought Makoto was going to headbutt the smaller girl or even break her wrist. Instead, Makoto only blushed and averted her gaze.

Just when Makoto began to think her life with Ymir and Historia was going to be a new path for her, the night at Utgard Castle changed that.

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