Chapter 29

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The sounds of branches and dead leaves crunches underneath Makoto's feet as she sprints through the woods. The shouts and laughs echo through the dark, dense forest at every corner, there's no escape. She sprints as fast as she can, as far as my her legs can take her. The taste of iron invades her mouth and she can feel her lungs strain for more air.

She doesn't know how much longer she can go on for. Her legs burn while her lungs beg for air. The smell of blood, smoke, and decaying flesh invades the girl's senses, causing her to choke up. She doesn't even know how long or why she was running.

Her legs couldn't handle anymore and the muscle in her right leg strain, causing her to fall to the ground. Makoto quickly turns around and sees large shadow figures loom over her. They have sinister grins with eyes that are red as blood. 

"Look how weak she is. You couldn't save your parents back then and now you can't even save yourself." One of the shadows sneers.

"How do you expect yourself to protect your sister when you can't even face your own demons?" Another one jeers.

"You're better off dead. You should have been the one who died. Not your mother. Not your father. It should have been you." A third one shouts.

Makoto's wolf ears flatten against her head as she tries to back away from the looming figures. "Get away from me.. You don't know shit!" She shouts but in response, the figures let out a booming laugh.

"Still trying to act tough? Give up your act. You're weak and you can't even stick with your original plan. Giving into humans because of lust? Do you think that's love? Do you think someone can love a creature like you? You're as bad as a titan." The first shadow speaks.

"The only thing in this world that needs to be rid of is you." All the shadows says as the shadows pile on top of her and overcome her. 

She squeezes her eyes shut as she feels pain pierce through her body. She couldn't move. She feels helpless and trapped. Makoto can hear the shouting getting louder and footsteps approach. She finally opens her eyes and sees humans looming over her with a pistol.

The same humans that caused her father's death. However, the humans' faces begins to get distorted and form into something else. Makoto's blood runs cold when the faces warp into those Makoto was very familiar with.

There stands Nanaba, Petra, Sasha, Ymir, and Historia with bloodthirsty smirks and soulless eyes on their faces. Makoto watches as the shotgun that was in Petra's hands press against heer temples. 

Her heart pounds with fear and Makoto's throat goes dry. All she wants to do is tell them to stop or at least ask them to explain why they are doing this, but nothing comes out.

"Why would we ever like something like you?" Historia's harsh voice cut through the cold air, "You're not even a human. What even are you? We only want you around to use you."

The next thing Makoto knew, she hears the shotgun fire.


Makoto wakes up in shock, sitting up and panting heavily. She can feel the sweat running down the sides of her face as her body shutters from the nightmare. She has never felt this afraid since her home was destroyed. 

It suddenly feels cold and she hugs her knees close to her chest. The room is quiet enough for her to hear her own heartbeat pounding. The bloodthirsty smirks, soulless eyes, and Historia's words burned into the back of Makoto's head and she hugs herself tighter. 

She wraps her my tail around herself and shuts her eyes, waiting for herself to calm down. Going back to sleep isn't an option for her. Not after what had happened with her nightmare. She glances over at the other beds to find everyone else still asleep. 

They look so peaceful, the opposite of her nightmare. She shakes her head, trying to push the memories away or store them deep in her brain somewhere that can never be brought up again. 

Could my self-conscious be right? About me being too weak? What if I was better off dead? What was I good for? Am I capable of anything? Why was I the one that lived while my parents died? Do I deserve to be here?

She clutches her head in her hands as all these emotions and thoughts overwhelm her and she feels weighed down. She shuts her eyes tightly, trying to focus on one thing but everything's becoming too much. It's coming all at once and it felt like Makoto can barely breathe.

Makoto didn't know how long that lasted because what snapped her out of it was the shuffling of blankets. Makoto looks up to see Mikasa and the other girls getting out of bed. 

"Good morning, Makoto!" Sasha says cheerfully as she looks over to Makoto. She tilts her head confused, seeing how much distress she is. "Makoto, are you okay?" she asks a bit worried.

Makoto looks at Sasha, unsure how to answer before giving her a silent nod. They can't know. No one can know. This is Makoto's problem and she can deal with it by herself. All she has to do is pretend to be fine.

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