Chapter 21

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Makoto spends the rest of her week sleeping in and missing training. She couldn't care less about training right now and she doesn't have the motivation to leave her bed.

Makoto was just about to take another nap when she hears soft footsteps and the door creaking open. "Mako?" Sasha's voice call out, making Makoto growl and glare at her.

"What do you want?" She asks harshly.

Sasha didn't seem bothered by her growl and walks over to her bed. "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be with Eren for training." She says as she sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Not this week. Don't feel like going."

Sasha frowns, "Is something wrong?"

"What are you talking about?" Makoto asks in a monotone voice. She was a bit surprised that the brunette could sense that something was wrong with her.

"You're not acting like usual. You didn't yell at me when I called you Mako." She says and pokes her cheek. "Come on, you shouldn't be moping around all day! As your friend, it's my job to cheer you up!" She says.

Makoto groans at her enthusiasm and rolls over to face the ceiling. She feels her bed dip as Sasha moves closer.

"Come on Mako!" She cheers and straddles her. She blushes and sits up slightly to see her straddling her hips. makoto gulps hard when she feels her weight pressing against her ... area. Sasha doesn't seem to notice and continues to pester me until Makoto finally gives in.

"Fine! Fine! just get off of me." Makoto says and tries to focus on anything beside the weight pressed against her area.

"Yay!" She grins and hops off, letting Makoto sigh in relieve and swallow down a growl of frustration that was fighting its way out her throat earlier.

Sasha goes over to her own bed and rummages through her backpack while Makoto sits up on her bed, watching her. Sasha pulls out hairbands, food, a canteen of water, and a stack of cards. "What's with the hairbands?" Makoto asks as Sasha walks over and grabs her hand, leading her to her own bed.

"I'm gonna do your hair," She says as she pushes Makoto down to sit on the edge and gets behind her.

"Oh no no no. That's not gonna happen." Makoto says and was about to get up.

However, Sasha stops her by hugging her from behind, pulling her back down on the bed, "Please Mako! Just this once!" Makoto growls under my breath and sighs in defeat then nods. Sasha claps before grabbing a hairbrush to brush my hair.

Makoto's tail would wag slightly whenever the hairbrush will brush the part behind her wolf ears. Little does she know know, whenever her tail wags, Sasha's eyes will sparkle with awe. She puts down the brush suddenly and starts scratching behind her ear. Makoto's wolf ears quickly perk up and her tail wags faster.

She even lets out a low growl of pleasure and feels herself melt against her hand. "So cute..." Sasha whispers and continues to scratch behind her ear for a couple of more minutes.

After a few minutes later, she goes back to brushing her hair and braiding it while Makoto shuffles the deck of cards. Once she was done braiding, she hands Makoto a handheld mirror to reveal her masterpiece.

"You look nice," Sasha compliments as she watches Makoto observe the braid through the mirror. Makoto thanks her and puts down the mirror.

The two of them continue on chatting, playing with cards, and eating snacks for the rest of the day until nighttime came along.

Mikasa walks into the cabin and spots them playing cards. "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Eren and not with a stupid braid?" She says bluntly.

Makoto rolls her eyes and before she can snap back, Sasha jumps in her defense.

"She's been down lately so I wanted to cheer her up! And I braided her hair so I don't see what's the problem!" She says, surprising Makoto with her outburst.

Mikasa rolls her eyes and goes to her bunk. Sasha yawns and rubs her eyes. "You should go to bed. It's late anyway. The other girls will be back soon." Makoto says, making Sasha pout sadly but nods when she feels another yawn coming. She helps Makoto take off the braid before brushing out her hair so it wouldn't be too tangled.

Once they are done, Sasha is already half asleep. She keeps dozing off and she leaning against her back. Sasha nuzzles closer and begins to snore softly, Making Makoto sigh and look back to see the brunette hugging her from behind with her cheek press against her back.

Makoto carefully pries her off and tucks her into bed while the other girls finally arrive and begins to get ready for bed. Sasha begins to mutter in her sleep with a frown on her face. Concerned, Makoto leans in to listen to her but the next thing she knew, Sasha's arms are wrapped around her neck.

"Makoto..." She mutters, her eyes slightly open, awake but still drowsy. "I-I like you a lot..." She mutters quietly and leans in, pressing her lips on the corner of Makoto's lips, almost missing. Makoto's eyes widen and her cheeks flush. Her kiss is lazy due to her drowsiness but Makoto can taste the sweet snacks from before on her lips.

She can feel eyes burning into her back as Sasha's arms loosen enough for Makoto to pull away and watch Sasha fall back asleep. Makoto ruffles her own hair confused as her cheeks burn brightly. Her heart's racing and pounding against her chest.

As Makoto heads back to bed, she could sense the tension in the air. Ymir lets out a scoff and gets in bed, turning her back towards everyone. Christa gulps nervously and looks away, brushing her hair and pretending nothing happened. Mikasa stare sat Makoto with her cold, gray eyes.

Makoto looks at them confused but shrugs it off since she's too tired to deal with them right now.

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